Chapter thirty - Control

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(A important Authors note at the end. I'd prefer if you read it.)

Y/n pov

You've never felt anger like it. So far disconnected from your family. Your friends still weren't talking to you. You were beyond pissed at the ministry, pissed at Sirius and yourself, you felt flames surround you. You watch them dance around you and you wanted to find Sirius and have him locked back up for getting you stuck inside, killing Harry's parents and following Voldemort. You hated what you thought in your own head about innocence and death. You were so caught up you didn't notice the flames reaching a height of your shoulders and Professor Snape walking in.

"L/n..." Snape said monotonely before his eyes widened.

"Y/n l/n!" You snapped your head to him and saw the flames around you. You felt tears start prick your eyes from sheer anger and stress.

"Y/n I'm going to ask you concentrate and calm down." Snape said slowly.

"Or what?! You'll expel me!?" You shout making the flames grown in height.

"L/n, I don't want to expel you." Your professor revealed... but he was being so hard on you.

"What...?" you ask as the flames go down a little in your confusion.

"You're a bright student, respective, wise, quick on your feet, ambitious and one of the best witches I've seen." Snape paused looking at your tear stained face and E/c orbs glinting in the light of the flames.
"I want you to not hurt anyone. You'll regret it if you do." Snape stated making you pause.

"How do I stop this?" you said looking panicked at the flames you can't just make it anymore; it wasn't stopping them.

"Breathe in for four seconds, hold for two seconds and exhale for seven seconds." Snape said, you had no idea how he knew and didn't feel like questioning it.

You listen to the instructions and you kept following them you noticed the flames begin to slowly go down the more you focused on your breathing. You closed your eyes.

Four... two ... seven ... Four... two ... seven... Four... two ... seven... Four... two ... seven... Four... two ... seven.

You felt no heat and when you opened your eyes you saw no flames only your potions master. No scorch marks either, how odd.

"I-I..." You dropped to your knees in tears. How could you deal with so much at once alone? Draco was away over the holidays... You wiped your tears but were surprised when you felt someone guiding you to your feet.

"Professor?" You ask unsure why'd he'd help.


"Why help me?"

"You're a bright witch, and you've been through more than any of us here can imagine." You look at him only to see he has genuine sympathy on his face.

"I.... Thank you, Severus." You notice he doesn't change when you call him by his first name.

"I'll go back to the common room." You say sliding Your sisters gift into your pants pocket.

"There's no need for that. Professor Lupin wanted to see you; he's resting in his office.... For obvious reasons."

"Is he in any condition to be up?" You ask knowing he shouldn't be.

"I have no clue and no desire to stop him. Through I did tell him I'd tell you when I saw you next."

"Okay. Lead the way professor." You say feeling so much better.

Slytherins Heir [Draco X Reader] - Year ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now