Part II: Chapter 4

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When they show up the next morning, they're late. Luce makes some kind of excuse about Nathan like always and everyone eats it up like its nothing. I used to see them together and thought it was cute how she was so devoted to him. But Nathan... He couldn't care less about her. And Luce, she's just letting herself be used. They think they know what love is, when in fact all they know is how to play slave and master. To think she actually tried to relate with me. Now whenever I see them, all I feel is disgust.

The weather here is cloudy, its like we never left home. In fact the fog is even thicker here. Still, Alice refuses to give up on sight seeing, even if there are no sights to see. Its stupid. When I came along with them, I thought that maybe it would help me get my mind off Lucky and even feel a little better, but I was wrong. All I feel is annoyance with these people.

We're on one of those open top buses. The cold hits us full force, but no one complains. I'm not even looking anymore; its not like there's anything to see other than mist anyway. I open my eyes for a second and see Luce fussing over a detached Nathan. He looks more like he'd rather die of the cold that she's so intent on protecting him from than being here. I can't say I don't share his feelings. The Golden Gate Bridge is out of question; the top is only barely visible and the closer you get the less visible your hand gets in front of your face. The other sights are barely visible too, but apparently Alice managed to find a way to get some decent shots.

I look at Nathan again and notice something a little different about him. Each sight announced and he seems to get a little more agitated. Even Luce seems uncomfortable. They both seem nervous and uncomfortable here. I remember her initial reaction when Alice announced our destination. She seemed shocked and against the idea. Even Nathan seemed taken aback. Could there be something about this place that they don't want us to know? Is there some connection between them and the city? I wonder...

The longer we're here the more tense the couple seem. Luce has started trying to convince Alice how impractical sightseeing in this kind of weather is. She wants nothing more than to get off this bus and go home.

"What's wrong, Luce? Afraid of a little cold weather?" Alex teases.

"No... Its not that! It's just... Nathan is frail enough as it is! Do you really want him to get sick?" she tries to counter.

"Please, you always coddle him. He's not helpless animal or something that you need to take extra special care of. He'll be fine. He can take care of himself."

If Luce was agitated then, she's just plain worried now. Nathan has his eyes shut, and you wouldn't think anything by looking at him, unless you noticed the fact that his teeth are clenched . On top of that Lucinda has gone deathly pale. Something's bothering those two...


Why are they doing this? Don't they understand? This place... It's painful just being here. But having places with such strong memories tied to them pointed out... It's torture! Not even Nathan is past that. He must see what I see. Its too overwhelming! So many emotions... So many memories... Its too much to stand! And all in one day! This is too cruel!

I feel ill. I close my eyes trying to breathe. Images keep flashing through my head. I think I'm going to...

"Hey... Luce are you okay?"

Seth looks at me concerned.

"You look rather ill..."

He turns to Alex.

"I think we should stop. She looks like she'll vomit or something any minute!"

Alex shrugs.

"Get her a bag then."

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