Chapter 14

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Things are finally dying down. You only hear whispers of what happened now. It seems that as time moves on so do people. I wish that were true for us.

The look in Nathan's eyes have changed. They are no longer filled with sadness but something else. Longing?

Prom is coming up as well. Girls are already preparing. Even Alice is in a cheery mood preparing for it. She's going to force me to go.

I never liked the idea of prom. People wait their whole lives for something that just seems pointless to you a few years later. Besides I refuse to go with anyone but Nathan. Alice seems disappointed at this, but honestly who else would I go with?

Nathan isn't too keen on it either. But I guess he sees it as an opportunity to do something for me after all I've done, as backward as that sounds. Lucky already has Adrian as a date. Nice to see he's out of the closet.

God knows who Alex is taking, but I really don't care. He'll probably find some whore.

Today Alice means to take me dress shopping. As if its actually something I'd care to do. I guess its best to get it out of the way now. The problem is that everything Alice picks out for me is so... Feminine.

I neither dress like a princess nor a slut. I guess this makes a bit hard on her considering most prom dresses appear to be for girls who do. Eventually after lots of trying on things and convincing Alice they're no good, something catches my eye. Its Victorian style black dress, that falls just above the knee. Its corseted and a bit frilly for my tastes but it'll do. It comes with fishnet gloves and stockings, at least, so I wont have to show too much skin.

Alice has already found something for herself. Its a black floor length gown with subtle touches of violet. I think it clings to her chest a bit too much but it does suit her.

Now we look for something for Nathan which is easy enough. I already know his measurements and I have some idea of what I want. It doesn't take too long for me to find something I like.

While Alice is off looking at something fancy I find a nice dress shirt, a red tie and black dress pants. Its simple yet formal. Perfect. Alice complains about it and tries to discourage me from it for a while before finally accepting that my mind is made up.

As we check out I cant help but feel somewhat relieved now that this is over. At least now I don't have to worry about her ambushing me later!

Now all that's left is to get through everyone's anticipation without strangling anyone. I admit that I am a bit curious as to how this will play out but not enough to be as jittery as some students.

This is going to be interesting. Thats for sure.

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