Chapter 12

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Today everyone is whispering and talking amongst each other like they have some kind of secret. It makes me uneasy. So I go ask Lucky but it seems even he doesn't know what the buzz is about.

So I go find Alice for the first time in weeks.


"Oh Luce! Have you heard what happened?"

"Thats what I came to ask you about. What happened?"

"God it's terrible. You were right, Luce. This really is getting serious. This morning the principle came in and found three dead students on campus. What's even more disturbing is that they had crosses cut into their chests and a message on each of their foreheads. I came in early and hot to see it for myself. I got pictures."

She shows me her phone.

Oh my God.

The first is a girl I know. Her name was Anna. Her shirt is ripped open and on her chest a cross has been cut into her skin. The word Slut has been cut into her forehead.

The next is a boy. I know him too. His name was Phillip. He was Anna's boyfriend. They were the goth couple in my history class. Like his girlfriend, his chest has been mutilated with a cross. His forehead says Devil Worshipper.

I recognise the third from English. He was gay. He used to be a friend of Lucky's but they got kind of distanced. They were still friends just not as close. Again his chest bore a bloody cross. The word Faggot is written of his forehead.

"This is sick." I say.

God if I wasn't so used to the sight of blood, I might have vomited at the sight.

"I know it is. And you're right about how they go after the ones who dress like us. And Philip wasn't a satanist. None of them deserved this."

"No one deserves to die like this."

"It's so sad."

She was in tears.

"I know. It's terrible."

"How could this happen!?" she breaks down into my arms.

"Why?! Why Luce?! Why is this happening?!" she sobbed.

"I don't know."

"They had families! Parents and siblings that cared about them!"

"I know. I know."

"Do you think my parents would care if something like this happened to me? Do you think you would?"

"Of course they would. If they were here they certainly would."

"No. I was such a disappointment."

"Don't say that."

Lucky comes over, when he sees us he gives a look of sympathy. Apparently someone had enlightened him on what had happened.

Three students murdered in cold blood.

Such a shame for something like this to happen.

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