chapter 20

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**third person POV**

Riley was sleeping in the chair next to Hermione's hospital bed, and she was dreaming. well, it wasn't really dreaming. you see, Tom Riddle had been slowly gaining her strength since she had began writing in the diary. it had taken much longer than he had expected, but it was still working none the less.

Tom had gained her trust and she had spilled everything to him. He was confidant that Harry would try and rescue her when he took her down into the chamber. the time was coming soon. Tom was going to wake her up and take her with him into the Chamber of Secrets so he could extract her life force and rise again as the great and powerful Voldemort.


Riley woke with a start. she was sweating and her hands were shaking. a nightmare had once again found it's way into her peaceful sleep. shaking off her drowsiness, she check her watch. it was nearly ten o'clock and Harry and Ron hadn't come back yet. she was sure it did not take four hours to have a chat, so she left the hospital wing to look for them.

perhaps they had forgotten they were going to meet her, and they went back to the common room. she was on her way there where her bag began to feel very heavy. she set it down and dug through it. her mouth went dry.

Tom's diary was in her bag. she was sure she had left it in her room. she took it out, and Tom took over. he left the diary and used her strength to build himself a sort of ghost form to take control of her. he would no longer need to act through her, he could just control her.

Riley looked up at him in awe and he led her to the girls bathroom. they stopped on the way to scrawl a quick message about her inevitable death before continuing on their way.

she snapped out of the trance once he opened the door into the chamber. Riley fell to the ground, as she was too weak to walk. Tom had sucked out too much of her energy too fast. he cursed his stupidity.

"get up girl." he snapped.

she tried to push herself up, but her knees buckled. "why don't you just control me like you did before?" she scoffed.

he smiled. "because that's no fun. i want to want to watch you suffer." he noticed her digging through her bag and snatched it from her. "what do we have here? ah. your wand. you thought you could get your wand, and then you would win?" he laughed. "well it seems i'll have to confiscate this." Tom took the wand in his left hand and tossed her bag away.

the villain turned away from the collapsed girl toward one of the sinks. he spoke in a strange language that Riley identified as Parseltounge. the sink rose into the air, and behind the sink was a dark tunnel .

Tom pointed the wand at Riley. "go." he gestured to the tunnel and she managed to crawl to the edge. Riley hung her legs over the ledge, said a silent prayer, and slipped off the edge and down through the tunnel.


Ron and Harry had just be ejected from the flying car, and were walking back into the school.

"what was the point of that? did Hagrid want us killed?!" Ron was still shaking due to the close encounter with the spiders.

"we did find out one thing." Harry told him. "Hagrid was innocent. he didn't open the chamber of secrets."

Ron glanced at his watch. "blimey Harry! look at the time. we've been gone nearly five hours. we have to meet Riley in the hospital wing with Hermione."

the two boys ran through the corridors avoiding teachers, until they came to the hospital wing. they rushed in expecting to see Riley waiting for them, but she wasn't there. they assumed she had gone to bed, but they decided to stay a while.

Harry walked to the other side and held Hermione's hand. there was a crumpled piece of paper clutched tightly in her grasp. "Ron." Harry said, prying the paper from her grip. he read it quickly before passing it to Ron.

Ron's eyes bulged. "we have to tell Riley."

Harry nodded and they sprinted out of the room. the boys heard voices as they traveled to the common room. they hid around a corner and listened in.

"it seems the monster has taken a student into the chamber. we have to evacuate the castle. i fear this is the end of Hogwarts." McGonagall sounded very distraught.

"what a shame." Lockharts voice rang out.

"well." there was no mistaking Snape's drawl. "it seems it's your time to shine Professor. weren't you just telling me yesterday how you knew where the chamber was the entire time."

"well i--"

"excelent." McGonagall said. "you'll go rescue her."

"oh--oh of course. i'll-- i'll just go um... prep in my office before i go." his footsteps echoed on the stone floors.

"Minerva." Madam Pompfrey said. "may i ask who has been taken?"

McGonagall sighed. "Riley Weasley."


he threw her on the ground and soaked in the glory of her whimpers. "shutup girl!" he yelled. she silenced herself immediately.

Riley decided to try to be brave one more time. "give me back my wand or i'll scream so loud everyone will know where we are." she did her best to put on a brave face.

Tom just laughed. "i'll give you something to scream about. CRUCIO!"

the second year's screams echoed off the marble walls in the Chamber of Secrets.

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