Twenty-seven Drunk

Start from the beginning

I plopped myself down on the black, leather sofa in front of the fireplace.  

Yuv shot me a smile. "Thanks for handling Bre," 

I shrugged my shoulders. "It isn't a big deal," 

Brandon grunted, crossing his muscular arms. It actually made him look really intimidating. "Bre this, Bre that. I get it, dude. You wrecked my gamer girl into this frilly princess," 

Yuv rose from the armchair and stretched him arms whilst stifling a yawn. "Bud, if she heard you..." He left his words hanging in the air.  

Brandon stiffened at once, his piercing honey eyes widened. I bit down on lip so I wouldn't laugh. "Crap, crap," Brandon literally leaped off the metal stool and ran across the mustard yellow rugs. "Swear to me." He gripped Yuv by the collar of his light pink t-shirt. "You won't tell her about this," 

"She's my girlfriend and my would-be wife." I could tell Yuv was deeply enjoying himself. "I can't really hide anything from her. It's kinda an unwritten rule," 

"She'll kill me. She'll skin me alive. I'm your best-friend. Don't do this to me," Oh my, what had Bre done to them? She had a full grown man crying for mercy.  

I began laughing. Brandon stared at me, his skin pale. "Alice, you have no idea. She hits like professional two hundred pound wrestler,"  

Before I could reply, Bre had walked in, wearing black plush pajamas and a t-shirt with a skull painted on it. "Well, thanks for compliment. I suppose you were talking about me." She moved towards Yuv, a different kind radiance on her face. Does love really do that to people? It changes literally everything about them.  

Brandon's hold on Yuv shirt slackened. He gave Yuv a look that said 'you better not.' 

"Seriously though, Brandon get your hands off my boyfriend. I'm seriously having my doubts about you two," Bre smirked. In flash, Brandon withdrew hands and made a face like he was going to vomit any moment now.  

Yuv chuckled. "I'm as straight as a man can get. Especially when I've got you," He learned down slightly since Bre was few inches shorter than him and planted a soft kiss on her cheek. Maybe it was the glow of the fire crackling in the fireplace or maybe Bre was really blushing into different shades of pink.  

I couldn't help myself and smiled at them. "You guys are can't be real. You're too cute," 

Bre buried her head into Yuv's shoulder, black strands of her hair curtaining her face. "Shut up!" 

Brandon, Yuv, and I burst into fit laughter which was a really bad move because each one of us earned a sharp punch. It was true. The girl hit harder than any living wrestler, not that I've been beaten by one to know but the purple bruises adorning our arms was enough to seriously shut us up.  


It was around nine in the evening. We sat on the mustard colored rugs, all the furniture had been pushed against the wall. A simple, wooden center table was set between all four of us. Bre had some vibrant indie pop band playing on the stereo above brick fireplace. We were played few boards, made some jokes, and probably laughed more than we actually talked.  

It was my turn to roll the dice when Bre announced something that literally caused my heart to jump out my ribcage.  

"I know how to prove that he really does love you," She whispered, looking thoughtfully at the flames licking the wood, rising and soaring like a bird's wings, cutting through the wind and sky.  

I felt blood rise up to my face. Why did Bre have bring this up now when I was beginning to forget everything?  

Yuv quirked an eyebrow. "Are you talking about Deva by any chance?"  

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