Twelve Girl

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                Twelve Girl

      The night danced past us. Each second glided away with articulated peace. Devlin chatted with me, his voice sounding like a calm wandering song. Occasionally in between silence would fall upon us and we wouldn't dare to interrupt it.

      Just knowing that there was a presence, a person other than myself here, listening to my silly thoughts and ideas was a fulfilling feeling. After years, I felt whole. This wholly goodness seeped through my chest and flowed till my toes.

      The lively spark in his warm eyes told me that he felt the same.

"Would you rather have a night filled with stars or just the full moon?" He asked, smiling, his eyes not leaving the night sky for a minute.

      I smiled to myself, unable to tear my eyes away from him. "I used to like it with the full moon,"

      "And now?" His eyes found mine for a breathing halting moment. I felt Goosebumps rise on my skin as my heart sped faster than any clock.

      There was a small teasing smirk on his lips.

"A sky filled with stars"

      "How come?" He turned his shoulders slightly so I would have his full attention.

I shrugged. All of the sudden I felt strangely flustered. "I don't know," My voice was barely above a whisper. "The moon looks so lonesome. Just floating through the empty sky. While the stars, they look so-"

      I stopped, trying to find the right word to describe my thoughts.

Devlin's hand found mine, hesitation flickering on his face like an open flame. I don't know what made me weave my fingers through his. He took in a small piece of air, his chest falling slowly. Clear surprise scrawled on his face.

      Suddenly I found the word to say and for the first time they didn't fail me. "They look so happy because they have someone by their side," 

      Something about what I had said caught him off-guard. Delvin looked at a loss of words. He averted his gaze but his hands didn't leave mine.  Maybe I had said the wrong thing. Maybe I shouldn't have said that. Why did I even say that?

I wasn't trying to imply anything when I said those words.

      "Let's go," He said after a while. There was a torn expression on his face. His eyes- they looked so lost. I felt his hand leave mine as he got up from the cold terrace.

      Had something I said upset him? "What?" I asked, confused.

He snapped out of whatever daze he had been in and smiled, half-heartedly at me.

      "I'm pretty sure you have school tomorrow,"

"Yah, so what about it?"

      He rolled his eyes while shaking his head. "It's late, Madame and as your personal caretaker I think it's time for dinner,"

      "Pft," I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest. "Who made you my caretaker?"

      "Destiny did," My mind reverted back to the time Devlin had visited our school for career counseling then too he had said. "...because of destiny,"  

I frowned. "Why do you believe in destiny so much?"

      Again, that same lost look flashed in his eyes. He quickly rearranged his features into a smirk. "No more dilly-dallying. Come on we need to get something inside your stomach before you get another low sugar attack,"

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