Twenty-six Wait & Watch

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 Twenty-six Wait & Watch     

 One Week Later

        The week passed by, the same way sand drifts through your fingers. Time is a slippery creature. My reigns upon it had been tightened. I studied past the clock. The afternoons melted into evenings before I even realized it.

            Today was my last exam of human health science, the exam Devlin had promised he would help me with but never did. In the back of mind like a silent prayer, his name echoed, burning the little amount of peace I had. My days were surrounded by his memories and my nights were consumed by my mother's.

            Love has a strange way of rewarding individuals, a way I will never understand.

"Alice, Alice!"  Sandy approached me, her face flush with bright patches of red. She was walking alongside Oliver through the swarm of students trying to head for lunch.

            Oliver has a sort of fear-stricken expression on his face which very much reminded me of Liza when she hid something from me. Liza-my throat suddenly tightened.

            Sandy seized my shoulders with both her hands. "Alice, we've been looking all over for you," She wasn't wearing her hair in the usual pigtails instead they were cascading down her back, adorning her perfect heart shaped face.

            Students rushed past our small huddle. There was so much noise in the hall, I almost felt suffocated.

            "I just came out of the exam hall," I replied, wanting nothing more than to run away from here into a much more peaceful area.

Sandy lightly slapped her forehead. "Oh! I almost forgot. How was your exam?"

            I shrugged. "It was alright. I'll pass."

"Hopefully these retest will help your GPA," Oliver who inconspicuously tried to loop his fingers around Sandy's wrist. Of-course, I didn't miss the small gesture.

"Anyways," I smirked at Sandy whose face was growing redder by the second. "Is there anything you wanted to tell me?"

        She vigorously shook her head not before giving Oliver a pointed glare. He instantly let go of her hand. Oliver's bleach blonde hair contrasted heavily with his beetroot face. His stormy eyes didn't dare to meet mine.

        "We should tell her..." He trailed off under his breath.

"Nah-uh, I can't do this," Sandy buried her face into her hands. "You do it if you can,"

            "Is that a challenge?" He quirked an eyebrow.

Sandy peaked through her fingers. "No, stupid. it's an algorithm."

            "I wish it were...."

"Just spit it out!" I cut Oliver off in mid-sentence.

            "We're dating!" Both of them blurted out simultaneously.

I doubt that I have ever grinned this widely. Sandy was the girl Oliver had talked about at the art fair. She was the reason why he hated Devlin with a passion. Why? Of-course. Devlin was Sandy's replacement for SpongeBob.

"Now that wasn't too hard, was it?"

They shook their head in perfect harmony.

            Tentatively, Sandy whispered. "You approve?"

"Only if that means you're letting go of SpongeBob,"

            "He'll find someone eventually,"

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