Chapter 7- Blaise Zabini

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"Is this true?" Pansy nodded,

"But what does this have to do with the Inquisal-or whatever that you're in" she sighed once more,

"The Inquisitorial Squad is something that Umbridge made up for selective students who agreed with the Ministry of Magic. It's like being a Prefect but better" I blinked at her,

"But you said you didn't like Umbridge" she shrugged and I narrowed my eyes,

"Draco's in it isn't he" she blushed and looked down.

"Yes but that has nothing to do with it; I'm over him remember" I gave her a look that said 'you can't fool me'

"Is it that obvious?" I nodded,

"Well it doesn't matter because I'm still going to try and get over him" I rolled my eyes,

"I still think you guys would be good together" she smiled sadly,

"Try telling that to him" I shook my head this time, "besides I'm going out Marcus tonight" I gagged,

"Again?! I thought you didn't like the way things went with Flint last time" she shrugged,

"Everyone deserves a second chance" I frowned,

"You're playing a dangerous game Pansy; maybe you should lay low with the dating from now on until your mind isn't in your ass anymore" she smacked me as we both laughed.

"I am serious though" she rolled her eyes,

"I will after this date alright?" I sighed and nodded; ever since Draco blew up on her a couple months ago she's changed completely; wearing different clothes, going after every boy in school. She even tried going after Harry at one point just to piss Draco off (she didn't say that but I have a feeling). I know this is making Draco upset and I want to tell them both that they just need to make up and date already but they're both way too stubborn; so I'm just waiting until the day that they finally stop all of this nonsense.

"We should go grab breakfast" I knew she was just trying to change the subject but I nodded anyway; I don't think I was going to get anywhere anyway.

Pansy quickly changed into a fresh uniform before we walked out and down to the Slytherin common room. There, we saw Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and a boy with darker skin.

"Hey guys" I smiled and waved as they looked up at us. I saw Draco take a peek at Pansy but she was too busy staring at the kid that was sitting next to Draco.

"Who's your friend Draco" Draco looked at Pansy before looking at the kid beside him,

"This is Blaise; he just transferred here from Durmstrang" Blaise was looking at Pansy too and I could tell that Draco was getting annoyed. I clapped my hands in order to break the silence as I held my hand out to Blaise.

"I'm Ebony, and this is Pansy" he shook my hand and smiled before looking back at Pansy.

"Nice to meet you" he didn't look at anyone else and now I could see Draco squeezing onto the side of the couch so hard that his knuckles were turning white.

"Right well we should go grab breakfast" everyone nodded as we all got up and walked out. Pansy and Blaise were walking together but I watched as Draco quickly grabbed him and took him a bit away from the group. I could tell by the look on his face that he was going to say something about Pansy to him. And looking back I'm seeing Blaise's face change from happy to sad. Then, Draco walked passed me and stood beside Pansy as Blaise stopped to walk with me.

"I didn't know that Pansy was off limits" I stopped walking and looked at him bewildered.

"What?" he looked at me now,

"Pansy, apparently she's already with Draco" my mouth cracked into a smile before I began to laugh. I was laughing so hard I had to stop and lean against the wall otherwise I would've fell. Everyone stopped and turned to look at me; now tears were falling down my cheeks.

"What's so funny?" I shook my head at Blaise as I got up as my laughs turned to giggles.

"She isn't dating Draco Blaise" his eyebrows rose as he looked over at Pansy and Draco who seemed too distracted in their conversation to listen to ours.

"What? But Draco said they've been together since 3rd year" that's when I lost it again, I leaned on Blaise's shoulder as more tears fell.

"Draco has the biggest crush on Pansy and Pansy has the same crush on Draco; but Draco is too much of a wimp to ask her out" he blinked,

"So he just told me all that BS because he's intimidated by me stealing his 'girl' away?" once I nodded he started laughing with me. I know this might not be funny to a lot of people but that fact that Draco had to go out of his way to lie about dating a girl that he's too chicken to ask out is hilarious to us.

"Hey Eb what's so funny?" I looked over and saw Fred and George looking at us weirdly. George wasn't looking right at me though, he was looking downwards and I followed his eyes; realizing that Blaise had his arm around me to hold me up.

"Oh nothing, you wouldn't get it" I wiped away some tears as Blaise let go of me as I let out another giggle when Blaise and I locked eyes.


I watched as Ebony locked eyes with the boy beside her as they both laughed. I didn't like the way they looked at each other; it made the pit of my stomach turn in a way that felt uncomfortable. I didn't even know that I was frowning until I saw Ebony looking at me concerned.

"You okay George?"

"I'm fine" I didn't mean it to come out as harsh but as soon as she frowned and I saw the hurt in her eyes I immediately regretted it. I saw Fred looking at me weird at the corner of my eye.

"So are you coming to watch us play this Friday?" she looked at Fred and smiled; I always liked her smile.

"I wouldn't miss it guys you know that; but I also have to root for my team so don't get butt hurt when you see me in green and not red" her and Fred laughed as the boy beside her looked at her weirdly.

"Well anyway we should get going; we'll see you later" she waved us goodbye before walking away with the guy who I still didn't know the name of. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked over at Fred who had a smirk on his face.


"You should tell her" I quirked a brow,

"Tell who what?" he sighed,

"You should tell Ebony how you feel" I felt my face heat up as I shook my head.

"Freddy you've got it all wrong I don't like Ebony" he gave me a look but I didn't budge.

"I don't like her like that Fred" he sighed and took his hand off of my shoulder as he began walking down towards the Great Hall.

"You can't deny it forever Georgy" I rolled my eyes as I followed after him.

"I'm not denying anything" I can't like Ebony, I only see her as a friend. Fred's just playing with me right? I mean I could never like a Slytherin...right?

Opposites Attract-George Weasley Love Story *COMPLETED*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora