Chapter 4~ Him

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I suppose every normal bride faced her wedding day with glee and contagious joy, counting seconds until she got tied officially to her other half, while I stood in front of the floor-length mirror with one prayer.

The year mark, I wanted it to come quickly.

One thing I had determined is that I hated this guy so much. I couldn't stand being in his presence and he sure as hell felt the same way about me.

How do I know he doesn't like me?

Easy, I might have been new at this whole wedding stuff but I was sure the guy normally didn't propose by tossing the ring case at the bride and walking away without a word. That was exactly what the asshole had done to me.

He literally walked in, his breathtaking face unsmiling as usual- I swear, I've seen stone statues more likely to smile than he was- and tossed the beautiful brass gold ring case at me.

Then, there was the fact that he was absent throughout the whole wedding preparations, including the rehearsals and stuff which pissed me off. Greatly.
Who did he think he was?

Oh yeah, the groom and I was the unlucky bride.

I twirled around, assessing the work the stylists had been doing on me since and I had to say that they did a pretty good job. I actually looked like a normal, beautiful bride on her wedding day.

Hang on, I think I just insulted myself.

The snow-white wedding gown looked like it was made for a princess, with the soft sweetheart neckline and shimmery bodice. The bridal train was ridiculously long and the whole gown was fucking heavy. I could barely walk because the weight of the dress kept working against me. Who the heck came up with these wedding dress contraptions?

After hours of prodding and poking my extremely curly, long black hair had been straightened and pulled into a tight, neat bun with not a single strand of hair out of place. Then my makeup was out of this world.


Diamonds gleamed from my ears and around my neck as I twirled yet again in amazement. Who knew I could look this good? I stretched out my hand to inspect the engagement ring the bastard had tossed at me for what seemed like the thousandth time.

It really was beautiful. I wondered how much I'd make from it when I sold it?

I was still engrossed in the ring when I heard a knock at the door. It couldn't be the stylists because I had expressly told them to leave me for a few minutes and for some reason, they seemed to fear me a lot. I think the White's clout was starting to rub off on me.

"Come in," I called out, my voice sounding hoarse even to my own ears. Who knew planning a wedding involved so much yelling?

The door cracked open and the cheerful face of Beatrice White appeared, I swear that woman always looks cheerful and the bad part is that it was so damn contagious. Trust me when I said, you couldn't keep a frown if Beatrice was giving you one of her warm smiles. Too bad her son was as cold as a lake in the middle of winter.

"Rina, honey," she cooed, brushing her silver bob from her eyes. "You look so amazing."

"You too, Bea," I said looking at her eggshell blue dress and pearls, her whole look probably cost more than what I paid throughout for my college tuition.

And that was saying something.

"This little thing." She looked down at her dress and waved off the compliment before holding up a black, velvet box. "I brought you something."

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