Chapter 5~ He

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It all happened so fast.

One moment, I was being led up the aisle by my dad to meet the gorgeous looking stone statue I was supposed to be marrying and the next moment, I was saying my vows after the priest. It was official now, I was Mrs Karina White.

The church was packed with people, even though we had only invited extended families and friends, not that I had any, the Hammonds did though. I didn't understand why it was made such a big deal though, this wedding was supposed to be low key since it was kinda...umm...what's the word now?...yeah, fake.



A scam. I was getting paid for this.

My whore of a mother would probably be proud to see her daughter pull off such a grand scam, too bad my real father wasn't here to see his daughter get pretend married. Yeah, it would probably make him unhappy. I thought of his warm eyes, feeling tears sting at my eyes and quickly fought the moment of weakness.

I was above all pain. The funny thing about pain was that once it reached a certain level, the individual starts to develop a certain resistance to it. I guessed that was where the popular saying, 'what doesn't kill you will make you stronger' drifted from.

The Jade-Eyed Bastard, my new nickname for Gerard, considering he had those startling jade gems and was actually a bastard, looked breathtaking, as usual, in a dark grey Armani suit that had probably been tailored to perfection just for him. His thick, dark brown hair had been stylishly cut and gelled. On the whole, he looked delicious.

The church service passed very quickly and soon we were all at the fancy reception-- the amount of time I put into planning the reception was crazy-- when I noticed something really odd.

Gerard wasn't...around? We had left the church together but in separate cars, he had left with a bunch of other guys, I knew none of them and I had assumed we were going to meet up here.

My suspicions were correct, he had ditched his own reception. Whoever heard of a groom skipping his own reception? And here I was, thinking I couldn't hate him even more but he just had to go ahead and prove me wrong.

I kept being accosted by different people who were curious about the whereabouts of my new husband. So I made up a perfectly good excuse

He has a really bad case of diarrhoea.

I gave the excuse without even batting an eyelash, he made me look stupid at my own wedding, so that made us even. I knew it wasn't a real wedding but him taking off was still very unfair.

Night fell and he still didn't show his beautiful face, by that time, I had danced with so many people that my feet were screaming in pain. Many people seemed to be curious about the black White bride, and I kept repeating the same shitty story about love at first sight.

As if.

Around some point, I tore off the ridiculously elaborate bridal train and swapped my white, strappy heel sandals for black converse.

I couldn't kill my feet for anything.

I was about to leave the party and heading to the penthouse The Jade- Eyed Bastard and I were supposed to be sharing for the next one year when I came in contact with a most unlikely person.

My recent ex. Daniel.

Who the heck invited him? I didn't remember sending him an invitation and his presence was a total shock. I tried to avoid him but it was useless because we had made eye contact already. I suppressed a groan internally.

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