Chapter One; Hello stranger

Start from the beginning

Stacy was my best friend. I'd known her longer than I'd known Dylan. We'd share secrets, boy crushes, troubles, everything. We were basically twins, in a way that was hard to explain. When my mother wasn't there, Stacy was there to help me through everything. She also may have helped me get together with Dylan.

Once we were a little more mature and older (even though our parents still called us their 'little babies'), we had already decided where to move away to; England. We'd heard so many things about England, that we wanted to go see for ourselves. So we did. And now we live in a small house that we bought way before we even moved here. Yeah, we were that prepared.

We're pretty happy living here. Although, there would be sometimes when we'd be a bit homesick. Okay, maybe not a bit - more like a lot, but no one needs to know. Sometimes I'd catch Stacy tearing up and I knew exactly why. She missed her family and as do I. I may not show it, but I really do. Even I'd break down a few times here and there. Anything that reminded me of my family would just bring me to tears. 

As I grabbed the last thing on my list of groceries, I felt another cart bump into the one I was pushing forward, making me stand back a little. Jolting to a stop, I began to apologize.

“I'm really sorry“ I started, but at the same time, the same words were crawling out of the other person's mouth as well. I raised my head a little trying to make eye contact with the person who had bumped into me accidentally.

"Don't apologize. It was my fault. I wasn't paying attention and well I think I sort of bumped into you," As soon as those words came out of the unknown person's mouth, my eyes landed on his. Once they made contact he turned away rapidly. I couldn't catch a glimpse of his face before he turned his. I frowned mentally. I really wanted to see what he looked like.

"No, no! It's alright. To be honest, I wasn't paying much attention either," I said. The well known heat rose to my cheeks as I said that, embarrassed about my lack of attention. That should be on my list of things to improve about myself.

For a couple of seconds he didn't say anything else and that really didn't help the awkwardness that was spreading around us. I caught him glancing back at me a few times, but I acted as though I hadn't noticed them.

I was getting a little frustrated and I started looking around. What caught my eyes was that two girls were whispering to each other about something. I tilted my head a little, confused. Their eyes both landing on the boy in front of me and then back to each other, whispering back and forth. Soon enough they began walking towards us or should I say the guy in front of me.

The one with the blonde curls tapped the guy on the shoulders. He turned towards her. I still couldn't see his face clearly. None of it really.

"Are you by any chance The Liam Payne. One of the members of One Direction?" Her British accent was noticeable making me jealous of how great she pulled an accent making me wish I had one too.

"Uh ... no?" The man said in a different voice than the one I had just heard a few minutes back. This time his voice was a lot higher and it sounded like girl with a bad cold. 

Then blondie's eyes got huge to the point where I got worried they'd explode.

"Oh my gosh, you really are him! Penny, you were right!" The other girl just flipped her hair back with one small wave of the hand, rolling her eyes.

"Told you so!" She said. The blonde one then started screaming, drawing attention to herself. Every shopper came out of no where and looked at us. Some annoyed and some scared something had happened.

Then the mysterious boy turned to me, a look of plea filled his eyes. Almost as if asking for my help. I didn't know what he wanted me to do, but all I could think of was run.

And that's exactly what I did. Without thinking I grabbed his hand and ran. I ran as fast as my incredibly long, model-like, legs could run. Just kidding. I don't have long legs and I can't run, but I did. 

Big mistake. Once I started running I slipped on the waxed floors, bringing mystery boy down. So much for a smooth escape.


Authors note;

Okay, so this was my first story on Wattpad and the first time I wrote it I made a lot of mistakes so now I rewrote the whole thing. yeah, I'm a terrible writer.

I didn't really like how it turned out so I just decided to make changes to the story. Just a little (or a lot) Don't get a panic attack now. Why would you, anyways? It's not like you liked this story anyways, right? But if you did, I love you.

Anyways, thanks for all of my amazing followers who read my crappy fanfics. Thanks to the non-followers but who are still reading this story! I appreciate all of you! Now, if you liked this chapter please if you would, VOTE and COMMENT (maybe even add this to your *cough* reading list if you're feeling generous...). okay, thanks! 

Have a lovely day, you wizards. 

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