Kid's Shows (Aziraphale/Reader/Crowley)

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Request: crow and azira with an s/o that is embarrassed by it, but low key loves kids shows/movies? blue clues and wonder pets is my shit


-Crowley low-key loves kids shows/movies, too. He was watching that bunny movie that Hastur ruined by killing the rabbits and just by being Hastur.

-So you can bet he wouldn't judge you for it. It's just something relaxing to watch and turn your brain off to.

-He'll sit with you and watch the show. Sometimes, he has fun screaming at the characters that what they're looking for is right behind them.

-It's also a perfect excuse to cuddle with you. He'll try to be smooth by doing the yawning and stretching thing. It usually works, but one time he accidentally smacked your head. He's really not as smooth as he thinks he is.

-Aziraphale thinks it's cute. While he doesn't really understand the appeal, he's more into books, he won't judge either.

-He won't comment on it, as he knows you're embarrassed by it.

-But he'll be sure to turn the television on to a kid's channel when you're coming home from a day of work or school, that way you can unwind with it.

-Aziraphale will sit with you reading a book while you watch the show. It's just nice to do separate things while being in each others company.

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