Loveable [Gabriel/Reader]

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Request: Hello! May I request a Gabriel x Human! Reader in which over time he slowly falls in love with her, although he doesn't know why. However, when the reader finds out that he loves her, she knows it's because she's the first person he's ever actually had a personal friendship with. Thank you!!


Gonna keep this gender-neutral as all of my stories are~ This kinda got a bit angsty, sorry.


It wasn't exactly sudden. At first, he was quite peeved with you.

You would tell him off, refuse to listen to his orders, and basically did the opposite of whatever he said.

Never has he been spoken to like that.

He hated it. But it also caught his attention.

He started trying to run into you more often.

He wanted to know why you acted the way you did.

Over time, he gradually got to know you more and more.

Then, you started actually being nice to him.

Of course, he wasn't being such a putz towards Aziraphale or being demanding.

He realized that you were actually kind to people who you thought deserved kindness. More like, you were brash and standoffish towards people who lost your respect.

It eventually came out that he was an angel. He was probably trying to blend in with humans a little too hard to where you thought he was actually an alien.

Humans don't just shout that they are going to buy pornography, after all. The internet exists, it's free.

It was after that, you started showing Gabriel what it really means to be human.

You showed him different clothes, he liked clothes.

Then, things changed.

Whenever he was near you, he'd feel his heartbeat just a bit faster.

At first, he thought there was something wrong with his vessel, so he got it checked out.

Nothing wrong.

He thought there was something wrong with you, but he didn't really want to fix whatever it was that was doing it. For some weird reason, it felt nice.
He went to Aziraphale's bookshop. Aziraphale knew more about humans than just about every other angel.

It was weird, going in for a personal thing. After all, everything was strictly business, ever since he was created. Business. Business. Business.

Aziraphale seemed surprised at what the angel was saying to him.

"You do know about love, don't you, Gabriel?"

"Of course, I know about love. I'm an angel!"

"It sounds like you're in love."

"Of course I love them, I'm an angel. I love all humans."

Aziraphale sighed and tried to explain that there are different types of love. He guided the angel towards another nearby bookshop and suggested some books for him to read.

After Gabriel left with a couple of books in his arms, Aziraphale prayed for the human that Gabriel was in love with.

Gabriel was very upfront about his feelings.

"I love you," he said without any hesitation. He had read the books and matched his so-called symptoms with romantic and platonic love.

You nearly choked on what you were drinking and looked at him stunned.

"You what?"

"I love you," he said again. "Romantically. And platonically. I don't know why."

You blinked, trying to process exactly what he was telling you.

With a frown, you shook your head. "It's just because you've never had a real friend before. You're not actually in love with me. You can't be."

It was Gabriel's turn to frown. "Uh, yes, I am in love with you."

"Why? You can't be in love with me!"

"Why not?"

"I'm not..." you felt your throat close up on you. "I'm not loveable, damn it."

Gabriel frowned and took both of your hands before kneeling down to look you in the eye. "Yes, you are. So much. I love you, that's proof right there that you're loveable. I'm not going to let you win this argument, because I'm right. Even if you are the first person I've been friends with, and that's why I love you, I still love you."

You felt yourself start to cry. He pulled you towards his chest and held you tightly. He felt the love radiating off of you and tried his damndest to make sure you felt that same love radiate off of him.

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