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After a few moments, Angel was actually able to pull away from Elena's blood on her own. She had completed the transition. Damon fed Elena his blood to heal the bite, and then it was silent. Angel wrapped Elena in a hug, and then shouted, "GROUP HUG!" Everyone chuckled at the same ol' Angel. Caroline and Bonnie were the first two to quickly join in. Damon shrugged, "What the hell." And wrapped his arms around the girls. Elena motioned for Stefan to come over with her eyes, and he reluctantly did.

Angel smiled, she loved her friends. She looked over to see Kol sitting there, "Come on Kol! You're missing out!" The other three girls cheered for him to join as well, which made him roll his eyes and wrap his arms around the group. After a few minutes the group parted, "Well, we'll leave you alone." Elena spoke up and walked out of the room. Stefan, Caroline and Bonnie followed. Damon stood at the doorway for a few more moments, "If you ever need anything, you can come to me." Angel smiled at him, "Thank you, Damon." He left the room and shut the door, acknowledging that her and Kol wanted some time alone.

The second the door clicked shut, Kol had wrapped his arms around her tightly, "I'm so so sorry. I should have stopped him." Angel smiled and kissed his cheek, "It's not your fault." Kol buried his face into her neck, "Still, I should have done something." A thought occurred to Angel, "Are you going to leave?" Kol picked his head up, "Let's not talk about it now..." But, Kol knew by the look in her eyes, that they were talking about it right this very second.

He sighed, "Yes...It's not safe here anymore...And there's noth-" He stopped himself short, realizing what he was about to say. Unfortunately for him, it looked like Angel had too. Anger was clearly shown in her eyes, "What Kol?" Kol shook his head frantically. Her anger rose, "What? Are you too afraid to tell me that there's nothing here for you anymore? I'm glad I don't mean anything to you. I should have known, you're just some stupid douche who wanted to get into my pants. God! Why do I always fall for them!?" She went on a little rant.

Kol just stood there, there was nothing he could say to make her anger go away. It didn't help that she was a new hybrid, all of her emotions were heightened. He could apologize, say he didn't mean it, that it slipped out, but that wouldn't do anything. It would most likely piss her off even further. So instead he just stood there and let her call him names, it wasn't until she mentioned that she had fallen for him, did a shocked expression reveal on his face.

Angel noticed this, "What?! Yes, okay! I fell for you. I, Evangeline Marie Gilbert, has fallen for the big, bad, player Original, Kol Mikaelson. Now, if you would ever so kindly leave my house." Kol just looked at her in guilt, but made a move towards the door. He opened the door and turned towards her, "I really didn't mean what I said, Angel..." All she did was glare in his direction. He sighed and left the house in a flash.

Once he was gone, Elena was in the room the second later, "Are you okay?" Angel rubbed her head, "I'm fine Elena, I just want to be alone." Elena nodded, understanding and closed the door behind her. Angel plopped down on the bed and closed her eyes, all she wanted was for Kol to be there. But, she was supposed to be mad at him.

Kol's POV

I left the Gilbert's house in a flash. I knew she was mad at me, mainly because she couldn't control her emotions. Though, I would rather her be angry at me, showing she hadn't turned off her emotions. If she ever did, I wouldn't know what to do. I zoomed back to Klaus's and entered. I knew Elijah had left already, as well as Finn and our Mother.

I walked past the living room and spotted Klaus and Rebekah sitting there. I wasn't going to say anything, until he did, "Ah, there's our brother. Where have you been?" I growled, "I have been with Angel. You know, the one you turned into a Hybrid." Klaus nodded, "Ahh, Yes. How is she? Did she complete the transition?" I growled once again, "Yes." He chuckled, "Oh don't tell me you've developed feelings for her, Kol."

I shook my head, "No. No, I haven't developed feelings, I've fallen in love." Klaus let out a laugh, "Oh really? Well, I hope you too have a lovely life together." I growled, "Why did you do this to her? She never wanted it, she wanted to grow old, have children." Klaus rolled his eyes, "Oh please. You never could have given her children." I sighed, "You think I didn't know that?! I would have let her have kids with someone else. Now she can't even reproduce." He smirked, "Actually, dear Kol...She can! But, unfortunately for you, only with Hybrids...Which, you are not."

I growled, "What? Did you think she'd have children with you?" He shrugged, "That was the plan.." I was infuriated. How could he? He must be crazy to think that she would have children with him, after what he did to her. Before I could speak, he spoke again, "That, and now I have full proof that her and her gang will not kill me. You see, Tyler may be willing to sacrifice his life for them to kill me. But, as close as Angel is to everyone, they wouldn't dare to let her die too."

My hands were balled into fists, it took every thing I had not to attack him right then and there. He was so selfish! Then again, there once was a time when I could be called that too. I decided to ignore what he had just said, "She would never have children with you." With that, I began walking up the steps to my room. I faintly heard Klaus speak, "Sure she would...I am her sire bond after all..."

A/N: OOOOOOOOHHHHHHH!! Angel and Kol had their first fight! Klaus really is a step ahead of everyone isn't he? How will Angel deal with the heightened emotions, the blood cravings, and most of all...Klaus's sire bond? Kol is leaving, is he going to leave with Angel? Will Angel even stay in Mystic Falls? What if what Klaus says is true? What if he gets her to do the dirty and gets her pregnant?

Let me know what you think.

I Can Be Your Hero Baby(a Kol Mikaelson love story) {ON HOLD}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat