"I'm tired" I said.

"Me too" She says softer and looks at my lips. I smile and leaned in to kiss her for a second.

"We had a long day but I enjoyed every second of it" Leah says. "I know..I did too. Thank you for making it a great day for us all" I said. I placed my hand on her face softly and stroked it.

"I wanna have more days like this...exciting adventures and quality time with my girls then later on have some bomb sex with you" she tells me. I giggled and hugged her tighter while burying my head in her neck. She makes me so happy. All our negatives are being put to the side. The past is the past and it's quickly going away. I'm only about this life now.

Leah went home the next day after the fair. But we weren't apart for that long. Me and Veronica ended up coming over to her house to spend our dinner with her. Veronica really wanted to see Biscuit.

"Biscuit!!" I hear Veronica scream then I see Biscuit run in front of us, then Veronica following along. I start to laugh and look at Leah.

"That's our babies" I tease her. She smirks and looks away but lays her head down on me. I bring my hand to her hair and softly stroked her.

"Babe just be careful. Make sure she doesn't run into-" and of course. I hear something break and a thud right after. I swear my child is clumsy.

"Oooooowwww" I hear her cry out. Me and Leah quickly went to her and see her laying on the floor next to some broken glass from a vase and Biscuit was sitting there whining a bit.

"Oh shit" I said and quickly picked her up after noticing a huge gash on her leg with blood flowing.

"What the hell happened??" Leah asks and carries up Biscuit too.

"I don't know but i-ima take her to the hospital. There's still glass in her skin." I said nervously. Ver was just bawling so loud.

"Okay I'll drive" Leah says. Puts biscuit down at her cage and grabbed her keys, both of our phones and we went straight to the car and left.

"I'm so sorry Jennifer" Leah apologizes as we were at a red light and both of us were panicking.

"No baby it's not your fault" I said.

"I feel horrible! Some things around my place can be dangerous"

"Things like this happen. The vase was in a normal place and she happened to be playing too close to it" I said. I hear Veronica crying still but it's not as loud as earlier.

Shortly we get to the emergency room and they took her in right away.

Now she's laying on the bed stretch. The nurses came in with some tools. I backed up and Leah just held me on my sides as she stood somewhat behind me. We both watched them do their job and slowly pulled out a large glass in her leg. Then they lifted her shirt a bit and I didn't even realize there was a smaller piece of glass on her lower side. I looked at Leah with my worried puppy eyes.

"She'll be fine" she tells me and wraps her arm around me.

Then they cleaned up the wounds. Everything was happening so quick.

Later after she was stitched up, they told us that she had to stay for a night just incase she gets dizzy or something because of all the blood she lost.

"Mommy why did they put all those lines on me?" Veronica asks. "It's stitches mama. So you won't bleed again."


"Are you feeling okay?" Leah asks her. "Yeah. It burns a little"

"They had to put rubbing alcohol just to make sure it doesn't get infected or anything." Leah said.

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