Lance's place

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Lance and Keith finally went to bed after all that. Keith has a dream about lances family he wasn't sure about them. Hunk was really the only one he knew or thought to be lance family. Either way he had to end up meeting his parents, if he had any. He wasn't even sure if lance wanted to go home home to see his family or just home. Keith has trouble really to sleep that night. Though night slowly became day.
Lance woke up slightly early and went out in the hall to look for Shiro. He spotted Shiro flirting with Adam. He laughed a bit then spoke.
"Hey Shiro can you help pack me and Keith are going to my place. Since I'm homesick" he smiled as he saw Shiro nodded.
"Sure thing. I'll be there in a minute you go and see Keith before he wakes up panicking. That your not there." Lance laughed and walked off. Shiro wasn't wrong though. Keith woke up scared as hell. Did lance run off? He open the door and then saw lance. His heart was racing he hugged lance. Lance was surprised and sighed softly.
"Shiro was right you did panic.. I was just telling him to help pack.." lance spoke softly. Keith nodded
"Well don't scare me like that again ok?" Keith has a slightly scary tone, so lance nodded quickly without a doubt. Meanwhile Shiro was still talking to Adam.
"Well it always nice talking to you Adam, but I must go back to my duty's sadly.. haha I'm kidding. I'll talk to you later." Shiro smiled waving.
"I'll see you around Shiro" Adam waves and walked off as Shiro turned around heading to Keith room. He knocked on the door and slowly open it. He noticed the two already starting to pack. He finally started to help.
Few hours later they finally finished packing and headed out to the gates. Keith asked his father and got the ok.
About another few minutes they finally got to lances place. It was tiny compared to the castle. Hunk was inside already and ended up taking lance to talk to him. Keith and Shiro looked at each other very confused and didn't understand a thing. It was so small. Lance laughed at the two faces.
"Hunk can you show them around I don't feel the greatest too.." lance smiled nervously. Keith got worried and went over to lance.
"I'm not going anywhere till I know your ok."
Keith growled. Lance sighed.
"Keith I'm fine just I need to sit and relax, plus I'm too lazy to show you around so I wanted Hunk to do it" lance crossed his around and looked at Shiro. Shiro grabbed Keith softly.
"Hunk please show us around your place" Shiro smiles. Keith ended up following still upset.
"Ok so over here is the living room / kitchen and then down the hall is a bathroom and over this way is lance room, then my hunk across and the last room is a guest room and another bathroom." Hunk showed them everything and smiled. Lance was chilling on the couch yawning and smiling. He was tired and ended up falling asleep. Keith saw him and walked. He made sure lance was still alive and ended up sitting by him. Hunk went to the kitchen cooking their meals. Shiro went to talk to hunk to make sure he wasn't lonely.
Keith had no idea that life was like this. It was weird to be a prince and somehow now be in a smaller house with hardly any help. Only Shiro and possibly hunk. It just feels wrong. He sighed and stroked lance head and kissed his forehead.
"Sleep well.." he spiked softly as he got up to talk to Shiro about his thoughts of the place.

Voltron omegaverse (Klance)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon