12; Five Confessions and a Kiss

Start from the beginning

"Actually, I don't think that." Noelle folded her arms across her chest. "If she had, there would be signs of that. As hard as she would have hit, there would be contusions present on her body, but as you can see..." She squatted down on the other side of the body and motioned toward it. "There are none."

When Sonny looked over at her, she shrugged her shoulders. "Told you it's not my first floater." She brushed some of the damp hair from the dead body's neck. "She would have a broken neck though."

When the small group saw the purplish bruise around her neck, like someone had strangled her, Sonny spoke up, "Looks like somebody did that for her."

"Let's see if there's anything in these pockets," he added, but instead of moving toward the pockets, he looked over at Noelle instead.

Lowering her eyebrows in confusion, she asked him, "What?"

"Glove," he simply said.

She held back an eye roll and opened her medical bag to grab one of the many sets of white gloves she kept in there. He slipped them on, then reached into one of the front pockets and pulled out a small business card.

"Detective Daniel Reagan," Sonny said, reading the card. As Noelle looked over at Jamie with wide eyes, he continued, "Now, there is one for the small world department."

He pulled out a small evidence bag from his jacket pocket and placed the card inside. "Renzulli, looks like this one's gonna be a homicide." He turned his attention to Jamie. "Hey, kid, maybe you want to call your brother. He might want to come down here and finish what he seems to have started."

Sonny didn't say much more to them as he stood up and walked over to his partner to tell him what he found before the two began to question witnesses and the other officers involved. Noelle grabbed her bag and stood up, seeing Jamie and Renzulli walk over to the yellow crime scene tape to ask a reporter to leave. She pulled out her cell phone to send her co-worker a text, then got one right back saying he was already on his way.

She looked back over to Jamie, seeing that he was busy and decided not to bother him. She turned and began to walk away from the river to head for her car to wait for her co-worker. She put her bag into the car, then turned her head when she heard someone call her name. She smiled and shut the car door when she saw it was Jamie.

"Hey, are you really leaving without saying bye?" he questioned her as he came to a stop in front of her.

"No. I'm just waiting on my co-worker and you were busy, so I didn't want to bother you." She leaned back against her car.

"You never bother me, Nol," Jamie softly said as he reached out to lightly touch her hand. He wished he could hold it or even pull her into his arms, but they were surrounded by co-workers and needed to remain professional.

"Good to know." Noelle smiled as she linked her pinky with his. She only held onto it for a minute or two, then released it before anyone could see. She folded her arms across her chest to keep from reaching out to him. "I'll tell you one thing, I'm not a fan of Detective Malevsky. How dare he try to suggest that Danny had something to do with this."

"Yeah." He nodded. "It's clear that it's someone he probably came across before and was just trying to help."

"Exactly," she agreed with him. "I could tell you weren't a fan either."

"I don't know him enough to know what I think," he said, not wanting to get into his real thoughts about the man. If he did that then he would have to tell her about the blue Templar and now was not the time for that. Sometimes he wondered if there would ever be a time for that, the last thing he wanted to do was put her in danger.

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