💕o n e m o r e💕

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You giggled into his neck as he wouldn't just let you go from his embrace. And while you loved it with all of your heart, you had an important meeting for work to attend in just fifteen minutes and you had to start going.

Baekhyun had been kind enough to drive you to work- or well, he insisted on it because as he said himself: "Today is when your schedule is the longest! So let me drive you and see you off, maybe I'll miss you a tiny bit less." Although he made such a tragedy out of a little thing like having to go to work, you couldn't help but secretly be extremely fond of it, of him. Baekhyun was an honest guy, he wore his heart on his sleeve and wasn't afraid to show you that even a sole hour without you would feel like hell to him.

"Baekhyun!" You breathed out between slightly flustered laughs when he nuzzled into the crook of your neckline, playfully placing his mouth underneath your earlobe, "I need to go, my boss will kill me if I'm late." That was indeed true, your boss was to be feared and you would be lying if you said he didn't intimidate you. The boy who was hugging you from the driver's seat didn't budge, he only let out a noise of protest.

"Can't you call in sick?" He suddenly murmured shyly while lifting his head to stare at you, his puppy-like eyes making you soften incredibly as they flooded with longing and adoration. Biting into your lip, you caressed his cheek gently- shuddering when he leaned into your touch, pressing his lips to your palm in the process. "Honey you know I can't do that, I have a meeting, remember?" You tried desperately, he wasn't making this easy on you, you obviously wanted to stay with him as much as he wanted you to. There was no question to it, of course, you'd rather stay the whole day attached to him, but duties were duties and you had to take responsibility.

Baekhyun's lower lip jutted out in such an adorable manner, capable of breaking your heart that was for him so, so soft and you found yourself contemplating actually calling in as sick today, but the thought disappeared as fast as it came when your eyes caught a look on what the time was; only ten minutes left.

He was a little surprised when you suddenly kissed his pout, to be true, you hadn't been able to stop yourself, it was just too cute. Though, he didn't hesitate to give in, catching your lower lip with his, tugging slightly while his own were barely holding back from curling into a sugar-sweet smile. His hand flew to your jaw, fingers spreading down your neck as you pulled away for air but didn't get a chance to breathe when he eagerly pecked your lips again, and again, and again until it turned into another sweet session of lip-locking, the vibration of your lips detaching resounded in the car whenever you parted.

"I need to go," You murmured helplessly against his mouth, he just hummed, one more, he pleaded, closing his lips against yours, alluring you all over again in the confectionery taste that was impregnated in his soft cushion-like lips. It truly took all of your will power but after another five minutes, you were able to finally lean away until he couldn't catch your lips anymore. He looked a bit disappointed but still satisfied with the number of kisses he'd managed to get in just a few minutes, knowing how stubborn you could be.

"You should go," He then encouraged as if you hadn't been trying to do that for ten whole minutes. A sigh of relief tumbled out of your lips as you picked up your back from next to your feet and turned to open the door when Baekhyun suddenly grabbed your arm frantically-

"But first, one last hug-"


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