🌙m e a n t t o b e🌙

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The day was nearing its end, the sun had gone down hours ago- but the smile that had rested on your features throughout the day was still permanent on your lips. Yours and Baekhyun's laughter echoed between the walls of the alley that you were walking through, moving toward the street. On the ground were several pools of water after the rainy weather from the previous days, you couldn't help but think that today had indeed been lucky for your date since the sky had remained cloudy instead of letting an unwanted pour down on you. Although that wasn't the most ideal weather to have a date in, it didn't matter because whenever and wherever you were, if you were with Baekhyun, it couldn't be anything but wonderful. There had been no sun to warm you up, but that had stopped being a problem a long time ago, because of Baekhyun's smile, oh, his smile. It was like the sun itself was captured within it, it set your blood om fire, spreading a scorching warmth within your whole body.

The traffic lights signaled red by the time you reached it, there weren't many people walking on the streets at that hour which gave your boyfriend the liberty to place his hands on your hips, thumbs rubbing light circles on your clothed body. There were several layers of clothes separating his hands from your skin, and yet, it felt as if his hot fingertips had just burned through that fabric. It wasn't anything sexual or suggestive, it was affectionate and no matter the normality in his actions, never did it fail to send shooting stars down your spine. His orbs reflected the starry night above your heads as they looked down on you, garnished with long lashes that glittered under the moonlight. His pupils dilated wildly as soon as you answered his gaze, pooling with an emotion that you couldn't completely set your finger on, all you knew was that this look that he was giving you, made your heart swell an incredible amount of sizes bigger, making you fear that it would explode at any moment.

"Actually, I," Suddenly he spoke, for some reason, his voice sounded magical, softer than it had ever done before, casting you under a beautiful spell that you'd never try to break through willingly, ever. It hazed your view as you let your eyes travel lazily over his features, counting the small moles on his face. You wanted to kiss them. You felt his left hand leave your hip bone but you were too immersed into his orbs to notice.

"Hmm?" You encouraged him to go on, although it came out to sound rather distracted since his dazing smell was all you could think about. It was insane to you, how you had known this young man for so long, and how he'd still be able to cloud your mind with him and soley him. How he could bring you to another dimension just by murmuring two words, in fact, Baekhyun could say the dumbest thing ever and you'd find yourself falling for him all over again.

The daze you were put under suddenly shattered like glass when Baekhyun's grip tightened on your body and you were spun around- breath hitched inside of your lungs. Just when you were about to let out a sigh, your breath disappeared again- but this time it wasn't because of Baekhyun moving so rashly without warning, it was because of the sudden splash of water that covered your entire back, not missing to drench your hair. A loud gasp pushed through your lips at the cold air hitting your clothes skin along with the realization of what had just happened.

You couldn't believe Baekhyun had just used you for protection against the car's water splash as it drove into a pool.

"Byun," Your nostrils flared with fury, "Baekhyun." The boy gulped loudly at the threatening way you had just pronounced his name, it gave him the chills, and not because of it possibly sounding lovely, but because he'd probably be dead in a couple of seconds. But he didn't let the lasers you were shooting through your eyes stop him from sending you a sheepish smile.

"I'm so sorry babe, it's just that I-" He started but you were quick to interrupt.

"I what, Baekhyun?" Baekhyun's teeth dug into his lip as if he was trying to suppress the growing smile on his face, you didn't know if you wanted to hit him or smile with him. 

He lifted his hand and led it towards your head where he took hold of a stray, wet strand of your hair, tucking it gently behind your hear as he leaned his lips to your ear. His hot breath fanned your ear as he let his lips trace the rim slowly before speaking.

"I had to protect this very important thing..." He murmured, nose caressing your cervix as he eventually hid his face in the crook of your neck, his beautiful, milky hands grabbing yours gently, only to slid something cool and unfamiliar on your fourth finger.

"I hope you want to stay with me forever, will you?"

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