🍓p o u t y 🍓

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The sun was by now down, letting the sky outside get engulfed by infinite darkness as small raindrops tapped the windows gently, You had been seated comfortably on your couch, watching the tv at a low volume while your boyfriend was in the shower after an incredibly long day. You were a little worried for him, he had been so busy these past days, always coming back home as tired as ever, barely keeping the balance on his feet and today had been no exception when he had stumbled inside the apartment, too tired to greet you properly, hurrying over to the bathroom.

You didn't take it to heart, he was finished and completely exhausted and if he wanted space, then you were more than willing to give it to him. The least you could do for him was to be patient and understanding.

You barely noticed when Baekhyun had quietly made his way to the living room, it was only until the mattress of the couch sunk under his weight that you were snapped out of the trance of the current tv show. When you faced your right, you were met with a blonde boy almost drowning in the oversize of his gray sweater, his round glasses rested on the tip of his nose as he gazed into your surprised orbs, though the look on your face was quickly replaced by the sweetest smile you could muster. His cheeks tinted in a soft shade of pink as he scooted closer to you, hands making their way around your waist, his body extremely warm as soon as it collided with yours, but you loved the feeling, how his warmth seeped into your clothes, making any coldness disappear.

"How are you?" The question was just a soft whisper from your lips as you watched him fit his body between your legs, his head resting on your chest as he tightened his arms around you. "Fine. Tired." he murmured just a lowly, his sweet voice filled with drowsiness. Baekhyun's hand the proceeded to reach for your wrist, fingers gently wrapping around it- only to bring it upon his oh so soft blonde hair, silently asking you to run your fingers through it like he loved you to. The way his lips automatically formed into a pout made an unstoppable giggle erupt from your throat though Baekhyun let you know he wasn't in the mood for teasing with a protesting whine, leaning away from you to send you a disapproving stare, though it wasn't wholehearted, you could see a little glint shining in his eyes and it made your heart swell.

He didn't say anything when he trapped your waist between his arms, leaning closer to your face instead. This was one typical tired Baekhyun thing, silently demanding for anything he wanted, with the intention to get what he wanted at all costs, and well, you didn't mind at all when he placed his lips on yours, glasses bumping adorably on your nose, making you smile against his lips that lingered on yours without moving. His eyelashes caressed the apple of your cheeks ever so slightly while he angled his face with yours. Only when your arms circled around his shoulders, parting your lips slightly for him did he deepen the kiss by placing short but sweet pecks all over your lips- not missing the chance to nibble on them as he hummed contently.


a tumblr request <3

c a l o r i e s ⇢ bbhDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora