👎🏻no good for you👎🏻

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The tension in the room was as heavy as ever while you sat in front of your vanity, applying makeup with tenses movements. Behind you was Baekhyun, sitting on your bed, his face scrunched up with frustration and anger. Although the two of you had already stopped screaming at each other, it felt like the hurtful words were still echoing on the walls as they refused to leave your head.

A sigh left Baekhyun's lift and you heard the bed's faint noise as he shifted and stepped off it, discreetly eyeing behind you in the reflection of the mirror you could see the boy walking towards you, however, you didn't say anything- still too angry to put your pride aside.

The anger on his face faded slowly away, replaced by the beaten sadness, his shoulders hung lowly and the teeth dug deeply onto his lip as he stopped right behind you. Baekhyun was looking at the mirror, searching for your eyes through the dimmed reflection but there was no way you'd ever be comfortable keeping the eye contact at the moment- so you adverted your gaze down to your hands whom where tightly clamped together in your lap.

Fights, you wondered if it was natural for two best friends to fight as often and seriously as the two of you did. You felt your chest clench painfully when you thought about how it wasn't like this before. Baekhyun had never been the overprotective guy, he had never been a serious person, and you missed seeing his lighthearted smile whenever he was around you. Because now, it sometimes seemed forced, his smiles looked more like winces, and whenever he gazed at you, you could tell that there was something bothering him in the back of his head. Something that he was never going to tell you.

Without you noticing it, the fights between the two of you became more and more concerned about the boys you dated. It was like he was trying to keep you from finding someone new. Baekhyun was a very attached person and a part of you was aware that maybe he didn't want to be left by you. But it was ridiculous, you would never leave him behind. Not Baekhyun.

Strong arms wrapped around your shoulders, your skin covered in cold chills when Baekhyun's soft hair tickled your neck as his face hid in the crook of your neck, nuzzling comfortably into it. Hot hair fanned your skin as he sighed and lifted his lips to your ear.

"I'm sorry for screaming at you." Came his soft voice that always seemed to have some kind of magical effect on you, immediately spreading warmth into your body and smoothing away the tension into your muscles. Suddenly you were nowhere as angry at him as you'd been just a few minutes ago, but a little of disbelief was left in his regards. You shook your head up and down and he immediately relaxed against you when he knew he was forgiven.

"I'm sorry too- but Baekhyun, why do you keep on picking up fights whenever I I'm going out with someone? This is the third time you get mad over David. Isn't it enough already?" You made sure to speak as kindly as possible and to keep your frustration away from your voice, not wanting the fight to start burning again.

"David is not good for you, you deserve so much better!" He whines and you shook your head hopelessly.

"You said that about Jongin and Minseok too, how long are we going to use this excuse, you don't even know him." His arms tightened around you and his face hid deeper into your neck.

"If you want more reasons, fine, I'll give them to you."

"Did any of them tell you that you are beautiful, every day?" Baekhyun challenged, voice slightly muffled because of his position.

You hesitated as you had to dig deep into your memories to actually remember. "...Sometimes?"

"Did they message you after your dates, to know if you got home safely?" Like I do.

The fact that they hadn't done it even once shook you slightly, almost shamefully, you shook your head.

"Did they ever call you at night because they miss you? Because they want to hear your voice?" Like I do every day, did they really?

Sigh. "No, no they didn't." You admit, a bit quieter than before. 

"But we never got to know each other well enough," You reasoned, brows creasing on your forehead. "Baekhyun-" You whine, "Why do you always have to be like this I honestly don't understand." This time, you hadn't been able to keep the frustration from seeping into your words and finally, Baekhyun lifted his head from your neck, his cheek brushed against yours as he faced you slightly.

"Because I love you, and I love you more than those guys ever will do."


hmm you guys, is it me or my writing is a bit awkward? idk, anyways have a nice day  I love you 🤗🤗✨💖

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