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The soft chatter of various students retreating into their tents resounded inside of your own tent. You couldn't help the slightly painful twinge of loneliness and jealousy pressing down on your chest, everyone was going to have someone to share their tent with while you were alone in yours. The fight you had with your best friend Mia before the class trip hadn't been one of the most desired things at the moment, you knew that she was going to make sure you knew how much of a great time she was having without you. 

With a huff you reached out for your sleeping bag and rolled it out on the covered grass, making sure to spread it neatly. Just a few minutes later you were sitting with your feet under the part of the sleeping bag that served as a blanket while you scrolled through Mia's snapchat story. Pictures of her and her alternative friends flashed on your screen and the sadness getting to you almost made your eyes water. Who would've known that such a silly fight would have brought you so much pain?

 A familiar voice suddenly called your name from outside the tent and your eyebrows immediately met each other on your forehead when the zip of your tent started opening with low sound. Your gaze met with two big puppy eyes peeking inside. "Can I come in?" Baekhyun asked, almost hesitantly, yet, in his eyes were smiling. You nodded confusedly. "Weren't you going to hang with Jongdae and the others?" Baekhyun took off his shoes before entering and placed them next to yours, soon sending you a painful cringe at the mentioning of Jongdae. "They started telling horror stories and I- uh, you know." 

He didn't need to elaborate the answer for you to understand. Baekhyun was also your good friend (and your crush, on that note) and it wasn't new that he was scared of anything that contained the word horror. You only nodded and patted on the spot next to you as you scooted on the sleeping bag to make up some space for him. At the gesture, his lips spread into a wide, and to your dislike, breathtaking smile. The heart was already picking up its rate in your chest when the skin of his arm brushed against yours, you wondered if it would stand it until he would leave. Your heart had a bad habit to start beating extremely loudly and wildly whenever Baekhyun was close to you and the last thing you wanted was for it to explode. 

His light brown hair was disheveled into every direction and before you could even consider your actions, the urge of running your hand through it had already taken over the muscles in your body, and your fingers were soon feeling the soft and smooth texture of his dyed hair. An amused smile crept on his lips and your legs were trembling by the time he leaned into your touch, the blood rushed to your cheeks when his eyes closed with a soft sigh erupting from his unfairly pretty, peachy lips.

"How about you?" He murmured quietly, his eyes still closed and lips almost brushing against your forearm.

"Nothing, to be honest, had a fight with Mina." You sighed and retreated your hand from his hair and stared down into your lap instead.

"So, no plans for tonight." You concluded and you could see from the corner of your eye that Baekhyun was watching you with worry twisting his features.

"And are you okay?" Baekhyun's voice was by now only a mere whisper, while you pushed your legs up to lean your chin your knees, Baekhyun's hand found its way to your head and he did what you just had. His slender and pretty fingers ran carefully through your strands, massaging nicely your scalp.

"I don't know, I guess I was feeling a bit alone until you came." You were surprising yourself with how honest and comfortable you were feeling around him, it wasn't usual of you to just let your thoughts out with anyone like this. But in the end, Baekhyun wasn't just anyone.

It felt as if your heart had almost jumped out of your chest when two fingers enclasped suddenly around your chin, turning your face to the side. With wide eyes, you stared at Baekhyun's soft and genuine smile.

"I'm glad that I came then," At that, the smile that crept on your own lips was basically inevitable, you nodded lightly in his hold, "me too," you murmured. Not daring to look into his eyes, them being way too much for you to handle, you let your eyes wander to your lap. There was something his gaze that would sometimes make you feel extremely small in front of him.

Baekhyun's fingers disappeared from your chin and you almost shivered at the lost of contact. However, soon after his forehead collided with your and you had to force yourself from squealing at the sudden moves, lips caught in your teeth.

"Why aren't you looking at me then?" Baekhyun much or less whined, snuggling his nose with yours, setting your whole body on your fire, with your heart weakly trembling and the blood tinting your pale cheeks with scarlet red.

"B-because I'm shy," Just saying these three words were harder than it should have been and Baekhyun smiled knowingly, very aware of the impact he was having on you. You could count his eyelashes from how close he was sitting, his breath fanned your cheek and you could've easily pushed him away. But there wasn't a single nerve in your body that didn't want this closeness, this warmth that his skin was giving you. In fact, the way his lashes tickles your cheekbones made your heart flatter the same, you could feel the butterflies spread their wings in your belly when his barely dry lips attached to your cheek.

When you didn't say anything, he took it as a clue, and his lips wandered a bit lower, leaving a hot trail of fire on your skin when he kissed your jaw before finally stopping in front of your lips. His breath seemed unusually heavy and you couldn't deny the anticipation when he tilted his head to the side. Once his lips collided with yours, your eyes fell close and everything else didn't matter. It didn't matter that Mina was having fun with someone that wasn't you, it didn't matter that you were sad. Baekhyun was all that mattered. Baekhyun, Baekhyun, Baekhyun.

The said boy sighed contently against your lips when you kissed back almost immediately. He was so gentle and his lips were of an addictive kind of soft, but most of all warm. They were burning hot and it comforted you.

Toes curled against the floor when his hand spread across your jaw, down to your neck, the kiss suddenly becoming so much deeper and before you knew it, your hair was spread all over the sleeping bag and Baekhyun was hovering over you, kissing you senseless while your hands played with his hair.

It didn't get further than that, but you had realized something during those endless minutes of closeness.

Your feelings for him were so much stronger than a simple crush.


kinda starting to hate my writing heh, hope this doesn't suck. Just thought the tent scenario could be pretty interesting.

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