"No. I have nothing to be sorry for," I said confidently.

"Oh you will be sorry. Not right now, but you will be later. I promise you that," he said and then walked away, giving me space. My eyes watched him cautiously. I didn't know what to expect from him. Is that how he felt around me? I didn't know what to expect from myself either.

"Well are you going to help me clean? If you don't I know this isn't going to get done." He watched me slowly and I couldn't tell what emotion was hiding in his face.

I walked over and started picking up all the old clothes. I scrunched my nose up in disgust.

"Let's just throw them out. It isn't like you were going to wear them any time soon," I told him.

He nodded and then left the room. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion but he came back with a bag. I nodded my head, more to myself and then threw the gross clothes at him.

"What was that for?" He inquired.

"For throwing in these nasty clothes you jerk." I smirked at him and then threw more at him.

"Oh my god you want a war? Well you got one now," he groaned and then threw them back at me.

"We are supposed to be cleaning!" I yelled at him, but my voice had no authority in it.

"Yeah well, you shouldn't throw things at me," he argued back.

"You shouldn't be so dirty," I countered.

He rolled his eyes at me and mumbled something very quietly, even my amazing hearing couldn't pick up on it.

"What did you say?" I asked him.

"Nothing. Forget it." He started picking up the clothes around him and throwing them into the bag.

"No I want you to say it now." I picked up the clothes around me and started throwing them in the bag.

"Look, it was nothing. You don't need to worry about it. Let's just finish with this." He didn't look at me and I could feel how tense it was in the air.

The mood had totally changed and I didn't like it. My mind started to drift away from thinking about Adam and then the fire in my throat began to grow.

I dropped the clothes that I had picked up and then walked out of the room. I walked into the living room and sat on the couch.

I placed my head in my hands and started to shake.

Why did this happen to me? Adam made me a monster. I wanted my old life back. I don't even remember what my old life was like but it can't be as bad as being a monster. A monster who kills people and feels little remorse until she gets home.

Everything came crashing down on me and the firer in my throat picked up its pace.

If I could cry I know I would be bawling. What was it like to be human? The only thing I can remember is the music. That was the only thing that kept me sane as I went through that transformation.

I shuddered as I remembered all the pain that filled my body. I could remember that part clearly. I wanted to die. I wish I would have.

What are Adam's motives in turning me? There has to be a reason. I can only imagine what they are. What could he want with me? I was nothing special. I can tell he hates the fact that he has to give me blood so often.

I brought my knees up to my chest and I tried to remember my life before this. There was like a mental road block in my brain. I couldn't get any further than being in the woods and Adam biting me.

"Anabelle? Are you alright?" Adam's voice called. I grumbled. I didn't want to be anywhere near him right now.

He ruined my life. I know that much. I became a blood craving monster because of him.

"Anabelle?" He asked me and I knew he had entered the room. His scent filled the air. He smelled like home. It was weird, because right now I had a strong dislike towards him.

"What's wrong?" He asked me and walked over.

I didn't look at him. I didn't want him near me. I wanted him to leave me alone. I needed to be alone.

My head snapped up though. I was now determined. I was going to find out who I was before and why he ruined my life.


*Adam's pov*

I was going to find out who I was before and why he ruined my life. Anabelle's thought pierced into my head.

She thought I ruined her life? I looked down feeling guilt course through my body.

I did in a sense ruin her life. She had been a happy teenager with no worries other than school and getting caught by the cops for underage drinking.

Now all she thought about was killing someone for their blood. I deserve to feel her hate. But that doesn't stop the fact that I love her.

I wish she could see how much I need her. But blood lust is a powerful thing.

It angered me to no end that she couldn't tell that we were mates. I wanted her, no I needed her, to see that I'm hers. That I would go to the ends of the earth for her.

But the fear that she would find out why I originally turned her coursed through my body. If she found out she would leave, and probably go on a rampage. That would be extremely painful for her to find out.

I shouldn't have done what I did, but I never expected her to be curious to her past. She wasn't supposed to want to find out who she was.

The girl continues to amaze me. Anabelle was so unique that any vampire would be awed by her.

Any vampire could tell she was strongly gifted. Anabelle would have many powers if she wasn't under the influence of her blood lust. Not to mention her beauty alone. Anabelle was absolutely gorgeous and she didn't have to try.

When she was human she was gorgeous too. But now she was absolutely stunning.

I knew she was staring at me and I didn't make any move to come closer to her. I didn't want her to attack me. The look in her eyes suggested that she was seriously contemplating it.

"Anabelle I am seriously sorry. There's just some things that I can't tell you yet. In time I promise that I will. You just have to be patient." I told her but her face didn't change at all.

"No. Don't give me that. When you decide to tell me I'll be in my bedroom." Her eyes shot daggers at me.

"But Anabelle-" I started but she cut me off.

"Don't even. I am going to bed. Goodnight." Anabelle said and then got up. She went back to the room I gave her when she first came here.

I sighed. I am so stupid. I walked back the hall and stopped at her door. Just before I opened it, I stopped myself.

She needed to calm down. I would give her time to cool off. I frowned but went into my bedroom.

I had to tell her before she found out on her own. I just didn't know how to tell her. I laid on my bed and then fell asleep.

Sorry for the wait guys! Writers block is not fun! Well I hope it was worth it and please comment and vote. It would mean the world to me. Thanks guys!

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