I Choose You

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My eyes are wider than a whale, and my jaw is dropped to the bottom of the ocean. "D-Did you just say, that you loved me?"

He laughs with a cute smile and blush. "I guess I did."

"Did you mean it?!"

"Of course, I said it for a reason," he laughs nervously.

I launch myself into him, latching onto him like a sloth to a tree. "I can't believe you just said that, it's like you flipped my world upside down and covered me in rainbows!"

"I have no idea what that means, but I'm glad it made you happy." He rubs my head and holds me into his chest. His chest is so toned and sexy, he's really a certified hunk!

I stay there for a moment, soaking up everything that's happened. Finally, I look up at him and find a beautiful light in his heavenly hazel eyes. "I love you too Nick, I always have. You damn perfect egocentric gay man with overprotective instincts, I love you!"

He blushes and tears up a bit. "Only you would insult me in the same sentence you said that you loved me in."

"I'm a mean girl, but I go a little soft for you."

"I didn't know that this was you being soft," he jokes with a small smile. He says this, but I know that he's lying. Nick knows me even better than I know myself. He probably figured out that I loved him before I did. That's exactly why I'm so attached to him, while I can't look away and I can't fully commit to anyone else.

When Jake was new, I liked him because he was hot. Although, the only reason I really pursued him was because of Nick. I didn't want Nick to date him and I also wanted to make Nick jealous. Now that I think about it, all my actions were just to get Nick's attention. That's pretty dumb and sad, but hey, it worked.

I smirk. "You got me, I showed you the real me, because I knew you could handle it."

"Handling you isn't something anyone could do."

"That's rude!"

"But true, and I wouldn't want it any other way. You're mine," he whispers in a sexy voice.

"How romantic," I roll my eyes with a smile. I'm pretty happy he called me his, that's all I've wanted to be for a long time now. Even when I didn't realize it myself.

"You know I am." Nick moves his face closer to mine, so I do the same.

We press our lips together, and it's like an inferno is ignited inside my body. Raging hellfire so hot that the sun is jealous. If being gay is a sin, than I'll let this fire burn inside me freely. There's one man that loves me for sure, and that is this man right in front of me. That's all I need, and that's all I ever wanted. This is the spark that I've longed for, the stroke of passion to color my world and paint the canvas of my life. If I wasn't sure about it before, I am 100% sure now. I definitely love Nicholas Flame!

"I really want you to do that again," I smile deviously.

"Shouldn't we go in for our date?"

"That can wait, all I want is you right now!" I laugh, jumping to kiss him again. Our lips lock once again, creating more flames inside me that swirl around in a storm. A fiery twister lives inside of me, and that's all because of him. Always bringing disasters to me, but I always seem to love it. At least he makes my little gay heart happy.

"I can't believe I waited this long to say that."

"I know, we should have just done this from the beginning," I laugh.

"I guess we're both pretty dumb after all."

"At least we got the message in the end, we're just a little slow." I kiss him on the neck.

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