I'm A Sporty Gay Now

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Just another manic Monday! I'm in a nice gray to reflect the dull aura that everyone emits today. Although, I'm pretty excited since Nick has a game today. Watching soccer has become really fun for me now, since I get to see the hot guys run around and get sweaty. I never thought I'd say it, but I'm a sporty gay now.

"Hi fellow muskqueers!" I announce my arrival into the English classroom.

"You always know how to make an entrance," Nick smiles.

I chuckle, and sit down next him happily. "I do it all for you."

Jake looks at us suspiciously. "What's going on, u thought you two hated each other."

"We never hated each other, we just had a small disagreement, and we got over it like adults!" I state.

Jake backs off. "Okay, I was just wondering. I'm glad you're okay now."

"So you're fine even though they backstabbed you?" Sarah cuts in. Oh Sarah, you and your badly dyed honey blonde hair need to stop judging me.

"He said sorry, and I'm not one to get stuck on the past," I reply, looking to Nick with a smile.

"Whatever," she grunts and goes back to ignoring us.

"So anyway, I'm thinking about making a sign for the game today," I say to Nick.

"Put my number on the sign," he winks.

"You should put mine on too!" Jake adds.

"I think I'll just do Nick," I tease.

Jake crosses his arms. "I can't believe you like Nick better than me. You even called me a male stripper."

My eyes widen. "Oh right, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that," I apologize.

"He did mean it," Nick teases him.

I shoot Nick a glare. "No I didn't. I'll put you on the poster too, I promise."

Jake smiles gently. "Okay I'll be looking for it." I smile back when he says this.

I feel like I've been treating Jake so coldly ever since I decided to go after Nick. I shouldn't be like that just because I don't like him romantically. I'm starting to realize how much of a petty bitch I am.

"Anyway I need to see if Selena can drive me to the game because otherwise I might have to stay here the whole day," I complain.

"You could ask Michaela too," Nick adds.

"No she told me she has a date. Apparently it's with some girl she met when she left me at the cafe," I state.

"Tell her and her date to drive you since the girls left you at the cafe," Nick replies.

I sigh and stretch my arms out. "It wasn't her who left me technically, it was Mikey."

"Oh yes, your fake boyfriend," Nick laughs.

I roll my eyes and hit his arm playfully. "It's not that funny."

"Wait!" Jake cuts in. "That guy wasn't actually your boyfriend?"

"No!" Nick answers for me, how rude.

"Then why did you say he was?" Jake asks.

I bury my face into my hands and groan. "It's complicated, just let it go."

"College man candy was just showing Luca that he could be a good boyfriend, but Luca really wanted that candy," Nick jokes.

Jake nods along. "That makes sense. It's okay Luca, you'll get over it, some guys are jerks."

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