Unconditional Lust

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Unconditional love is affection without limitation or conditions. It is beautifully tragic, and something I always want to give to my dream boy one day. Although, for now, I'm stuck with something else. I call it unconditional lust, and that's much less beautiful. It's disgustingly tragic.

"Pass the fries!" I shout to Selena across the table.

"Did I hear a please?" Selena raises her eyebrow.

"I didn't, did you?" I ask Jake, who's sitting next to me.

"I don't know why I'm friends with you," she growls. Although like a good friend, she passes me the fries and now I'm happy.

We're eating out in a fast food restaurant after the soccer game. The four of us are at a table together, I'm sitting next to Jake, while Nick sits across from me. I pushed to sit next to Jake since Nick gets to be with him during soccer all the time. I got a lot less time to spend with him based on school schedule and after school activities. This is my chance to win! I will get Jake West to fall in love with me!

"Want some of my fries?" I ask Jake, who has a sweet smile on his face. He's always happy, positive energy practically radiates off of him.

"Thanks," he replies.

"You don't have to ask, we're sharing the fries," Selena states, but no one listens. So she goes back to eating fries angrily. Girls are ignored at this table.

Jake's hand reaches for the fries, so I reach at the same time. We touch, and I feel a spark of joy inside of me. "Sorry, that was an accident," I try to flirt.

"No it wasn't," Nick jumps in. How dare he try to get in my way!

"Yes it was!" I argue.

Jake takes my hand, which causes my head to jerk to the side as quick as possible. Never have I been so thrown off guard, and so touched. "So you didn't want to touch me?" he asks.

I feel my cheeks heating up. "N-No I wanted to touch you. I want you to touch me too!" I gain more confidence as I go.

Nick and Selena laugh as I say this, while Jake smiles wider. "Like this?" Jake touches my lip, and moves his head in closer. Our faces are almost touching, as his thumb and index finger are pulling my bottom lip down slightly. I feel all tingly down there.

"I want you to dominate me," I whisper seductively.

I hear the laughs growing into wheezes from across the table. Before my eyes, however, I feel a rising sexual tension. My crush is touching my lip and I can feel his breath just barely hitting my face. He stares into my eyes for a bit, and then begins to laugh along with the others. "You're hilarious!"

"Huh?" I'm confused and a little embarrassed.

"Drink your pop Luca, I think you're thirsty," Nick jokes.

"Sh-Shut up!" I shout. I don't want to drink my pop since he said that, but I am thirsty in the normal way, so I drink it anyway.

Jake makes eye contact with me, and he places his chin in his palm. "I've never met someone like you. I'm glad you're the one who showed me around on the first day."

Jake just said that he was glad that I showed him around! This is great! That means he likes me, at least as friends. Now, I just need to take it to the next step, but not like how I did just now. That was embarrassing, and might have ruined my chance in the future. Damn this unconditional lust of mine.

"I showed you around too!" Nick adds.

"Can it attention whore!" I roll my eyes.

"That's harsh don't you think?" Jake looks at me with his soft green eyes. They make me want to melt into a puddle.

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