Gay vs Gay

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In the red corner, the gay president of our school that everyone adores. The smart, athletic gay, and my biggest rival! Why is he my rival? Well, because he is the only other gay who has come out at school. Dark brown hair, hazel eyes, perfectly tan skin, and a nice physique to match it. The kind of guy beloved by the world, straights and gays alike. Today, Nick Flame is wearing a bright red tee-shirt that reminds me of how boring his style is, yet he still looks good in it because he's so attractive. Social butterfly, smart, attractive, and less dramatic than I. That is my gay rival!

In the blue corner, the dramatic tea spiller with an excellent sense of humor and cute freckles. Blond hair and blue eyes that can look like a beautiful ocean in the right lighting. A blue sweatshirt to match the corner I'm in, stylish and bold. I look so good in blue if I don't say so myself! These blue jeans and blue sneakers make me look like a sea of blue that match my eyes. Wow I'm killing it today! Anyway, my name is Luca Maze, and I'm the gay you go to when you want to know the gossip around here. I'm no model student that can do it all like my gay rival, but for some reason I feel a strong determination to defeat him. The first thing that comes to mind is the senior polls, the category entitled most gay. I don't know why it's a category this year, but I heard Nick wants it despite being able to get any other category he wants. Being gay is my thing...well not really, but it's my speciality, the only thing I'm good at! I won't let him have this one, I WILL WIN FOR ONCE!

"Hi Luca, how's it going?" Nick sits down in the seat next to me. A radiant tan glow on his skin, with heavenly hazel orbs that go with his skin tone perfectly. He has dark brown hair that curls a bit like mine, except it looks better on him unfortunately. His tone is as cheerful as ever, and his smile is pearly white like always. His positive energy and bright personality reminds me of the sun. He's always glowing wherever he goes, and you know something, it disgusts me! He's running against me in the senior polls for the most gay, and it really pisses me off! He has no right trying to take that from me! The lesser gay will fall, and the true gay will be crowned the queer bee!

"Pretty good considering I just heard some juicy gossip," I smirk. He lights up, sitting up in his chair. I should mention one more thing. While we our rivals, and I kind of despise him, we are also really good friends. We get along well, since he likes to hear the gossip from me. I always hide my bitter jealousy, which isn't that hard since I do actually like talking to him. It's a complicated feeling, hating someone, but liking them at the same time. Maybe I'm just crazy...yeah that might be it.

"Ooh! Tell me, who's it about? Did someone get pregnant?" Nick starts looking around the room, checking the stomach of every girl in our English class who has a boyfriend.

"No that's not it." I adjust myself in my seat, turning to face him. "There's actually two things, one is gossip and the other is good news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

"Gossip obviously." Nick takes out his large red water bottle and takes a sip out of it. The red just has to match his outfit, only a fashionable gay could pull this off. Why is he so good at everything?!

"Okay." I look at the girl sitting across from me, and turn to Nick. "Sarah over there, I heard that she got dumped by her boyfriend after he found out that she cheated on him." I whisper to him.

Nick starts shaking his head. "Straight people are crazy!" he replies. I find myself smiling in agreement. Mr. Perfect annoys me, but his sense of humor is just like mine. That's why I feel so threatened!

"They are a rather odd species. That girl has now fallen in her straight society, being branded a cheater and a hoe." I let out a sorrowful sigh for her, mourning her demise.

"I can hear you two, I'm only five feet away from you!" Sarah complains from across the table. Her short brown hair falls just short of her shoulder, and her brown eyes are filled with frustration.

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