We Aren't Meant To Be

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"How are you eating only lemon flavored foods?" Jake asks as I squeeze a lemon's juice into my lemon chicken.

"Lemon is the best flavor," I sip my lemonade.

"Most people just don't get a full lemon course meal with lemon chicken, extra lemons, lemonade, and a dessert order of lemon cream cake."

"Stop attacking me for ordering dessert already. I just wanted them to know I want it once I finish my meal."

Jake shakes his head side to side. "Everyone at this restaurant is going to remember you as the crazy gay kid who likes lemons."

"And there's nothing wrong with being known in that manner!" I reply with a smile.

"Guess I should be proud of you for staying true to yourself."

"You should be. Now, off the hot topic of lemons, I do have something to ask you."

"And what's that?" he leans in.

"Are you a virgin?" I ask boldly.

Jake's eyes open wide. "I-I uh, excuse me?"

"It's just a question, calm down," I shrug.

He sighs. "No, I told you on our first date. I had sex with a lot guys before."

I nod along. "Yeah I remember."

"So why did you ask then?"

"You have to get tested for HIV," I state.

His eyes open even wider than when I asked him the first question. "Why?"

"I think you know why. I have to know if it's safe, and you should know too."

He sighs, looking to the side with guilt all over his face. "What if I'm positive...what then?"

"Then you know, and nothing will change between us," I reply. I take his hand and squeeze it a bit.

He stares at me for a long time. "Okay, but you have to go with me."

I nod. "I will."


A few seconds go by, an awkward silence filling the room. "I'm sorry that I ruined the date with that," I say awkwardly.

He chuckles nervously. "No it's fine. I mean, it's a reasonable request. Guess I didn't expect you to be so bold about it, but then again, that's what I like about you."

I smile, and lean into the table trying to get closer. He leans in as well, and we give each other a little peck. "After dinner, I can show you the sweet taste of lemon," I flirt.

"You got even more lustful since I saw you last," he laughs.

"Nope, just more confident," I wink.

"So Mr. Confident, you got any other bold questions you want to throw out tonight?" he asks with a smirk.

"Let's see, first let me compile a list of what I know about you."

"Oh I can't wait!" he says sarcastically.

"Jake West!" I announce his name like football commenter. "Charming, flirty, and hot transfer student who plays soccer with my long time crush. He is sexually active to seek love which was stemmed from his unfortunate homophobic parents who were terrible to him. Big package? Yes, eight is great. Now, he is currently involved in a confusing gay love triangle trying to date the gossip queen."

He smirks. "Can't tell if you're making fun of me or not."

"I'm just listing unbiased facts."

"Well you would be biased because you know me," Jake smiles.

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