For Pride

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Pride is defined as a feeling of deep pleasure through one's own achievements. My pride, has been redefined as a feeling of deep pleasure as long as I get Jake to be my boyfriend and crush Nick Flame! This is for my pride, and I won't let Nick stomp all over it with his perfect presidential attitude. Go kick some balls around! You have boys that call you captain already, you don't need this boy! Give it up and I'll let you off with a warning.

"Hi Jake, sorry we were just talking about where we should take you first," I smile, walking toward him with Nick by my side.

"No that's cool. So where are we going first?" He asks with his sweet, raspy voice. Although, while I'm sitting there lovestruck, I notice that I don't have an answer to his question.

"I-um." I stand there with my mouth hanging open. "Maybe the-uh cafeteria?" This is the first thing that comes to mind.

Nick chuckles, pushing past me to talk to Jake. "We should walk your schedule first, and show you where you have to go in order. Just like we talked about, right Luca?"

"Right." I give him a fake smile, and roll my eyes behind his back. Nick has always annoyed me in a way, but this is different. He seems more determined to beat me than usual. By that I mean that he's actually trying this time. Usually he just lets me complain, it's rude of him to try just as hard as me. He's hot, it's no fair! I won't win against him!

"So I go to English with you two first, then I have to go my physics class." Jake reads off his schedule.

"Oh that's where I go next too. We have the first two periods together." Nick smiles. How wonderful for him! Mr. Perfect is getting more chances, this is rigged! I bet the principal did that on purpose because he's the president. Nick has an advantage here, but that won't stop me.

"Then let's head there, shall we?" I hug Jake's large, muscular arm blissfully. Hugging his rock hard arm sets me on fire, and overrides my pleasure sensation. I could die peacefully right here if I weren't so determined to beat Nick. I'm glad I got contact with this jaw dropping hot boy first. I'm sure Nick is envious of me, as he should be.

I really don't want to let go, but it would be creepy if I stuck to him for too long. Although, part of me wonders if it's worth it to be labeled creepy as long as I get a long arm hugging time. He's so cute I can't resist.

"Fine by me." Nick looks at me disapprovingly as I hug the arm of Jake West. Nick's green with envy, so I tease him even further by squeezing his arm and pressing my face into it. It feels so good, one of the best feelings in the world - a hard muscular arm. At least that's one of my favorite things.

"Are you okay?" Jake smirks as I continue to make a fool of myself. Maybe not the best first impression, but this is leaving an amazing impression on me.

"I'm more than okay." I giggle, while Nick rolls his eyes. I honestly can't believe Jake is letting me cling to him, this is a dream come true! I should let go to seem less desperate but the problem is that I am desperate. Although, in fear of being seen as creepy, I let go and all my happiness falls with it.

While walking to literally the other side of the building for their physics class, I try to gather my thoughts to ask Jake something about himself, but all I can think about is how far Nick has to go from English. "So Jake, did you do any sports before coming here? And are you gonna do them here too?" Nick asks, he probably thinking about it for a bit because it sounded a little rehearsed.

"Yeah I played football in the fall and baseball in the spring back at my old school. Although, I'm kinda done with football and getting smacked around all the time." When Jake talks, I just look at him with a dreamy smile.

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