Eight Is Great

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"I didn't know I could be gay and be called homophobic," he teases me.

"Internalized homophobia!" I state.

"No I don't think that's what you're looking for."

I shrug, taking another sip of my cherry flavored lemonade. "Whatever! Just tell me about yourself like people do on normal dates."

"Alright, tell me your favorite color."

"Blue, and you?"

"I like green."

I smile looking into his eyes. "Just like your eyes, how self conceited."

"Says the one who constantly matches his outfit to his blue eyes. I didn't even have to ask your favorite color."

I open my mouth wide, I am offended! "I'm sorry that I try to look nice and coordinate my outfit with my appearance!"

"You're so gay, and it's really cute."

I smile and roll my eyes. Being called really cute makes me feel like a goddess. People should just bow down to me at this point, ugh I'm so incredibly beautiful.

"Let's see. How big is your package?" I laugh, I don't know why that was the question I decided to ask, but I'm not mad about it. Can't say I'm not curious, I want to know.

His eyes open wide, and he lets out a belly laugh. "I ask you your favorite color and you ask me for my dick size, you're the kind of person that I hate, but love at the same time. So for that I'll answer!" He drops four pairs of cherries in front of me.

I form a sly smile. "That's it?" I tease. Eight inches is more than enough for me, but ooh it's nice to brag about if he becomes my boyfriend.

"If you don't like it, then I'll take my business and my package elsewhere!" He starts to leave.

I grab him arm. "No! I'm joking!"

He smiles, sitting back down. "Say you like it then! You hurt my feelings!"

I let out a heavy sigh. This is so ridiculous, but i can't lie, I'm having a great time. "Fine I'll say it. Eight is great!"

He buries his face in his hands. "You're one of a kind, that's for sure!"

"I am. I'm interesting, there should be a movie about me," I brag.

"My life would make a much mode interesting movie," he argues.

"And why's that?"

"I didn't have the best childhood."

"Care to elaborate?" I feel fancy when I use the word elaborate.

"Lets see, where to start?"

"Don't ask me," I blurt, even though I know he just said that so I could prepare for what's coming.

"Do you want the full story? Cause it's one hell of a story."

"I'm all ears! The more the better. I want to learn about you after all, the good and the bad."

"When I was fourteen, I came out to conservative family and got treated pretty badly. I got sent to conversion camps, which basically said pray the gay away. Finally my mom and dad divorced, so I went with my less homophobic mom. She's still against it, but she's "trying" for me. I was pretty broken so I started hooking up with any guy that wanted me, and it became a way of helping me deal with my problems. Not many people were openly gay at this age in the south though so it was usually the same few. Eventually, my mom relocated because of work, and now here I am out with you!"

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