EC5 Taeyeon's backstory

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(This happened shortly after Seohyun....tried to....die. You see Jungkook and Jeongguk were on the phone call with Chanyeol so they know Seohyun was alive. Taeyeon however had changed her flight schedule, so she took Summer to America earlier than they were going to, so they weren't able to tell her. And remember I said Taeyeon was 18 when she took Summer to the states.)

The door opened up and Taeyeon walked in, closing the door behind her. "Auntie!" A little girl shouted.

"Hi sweetie." Taeyeon said removing her hood and mask.

Taeyeon had changed her flight date, so she could take Summer to America the same day Seohyun jumped.

Yes, she was running from her problems, but she felt guilty cause she felt that she should have noticed that Seohyun was suffering, they were twins after all.

A little while later after the two had dinner they were sitting in the couch watching Inside Out, with Summer resting her head on Taeyeon's lap.

Summer felt something wet hit her cheek and turned around to face Taeyeon.

"Auntie sad?" (She's 1)

"Hmm?" Taeyeon said. She touched her cheek and she was crying.

"No, no I'm fine sweetie. Let's get you to bed."

After Taeyeon put Summer to sleep she walked to her room and sat on her bed holding a stuffed bear that Seohyun had given her when they were little.

Tears rolled down Taeyeon's cheeks as she stared at the ceiling.

The door creaked open and Summer walked in. She crawled onto the bed and Taeyeon wrapped her arms around her.

"I love you sweetie. Good night." Taeyeon mumbled into Summers hair.

The next morning Taeyeon got up and got dressed to do a mission.

•After mission•

Taeyeon stood up on the roof after packing up her gun. Swinging the bag over her shoulder, she climbed down the roof and jumped onto her bike.

Taeyeon put the bike in drive and went home. She opened the door and walked inside, shutting it behind her. She sat on the couch and pulled Summer onto her lap.

A hard knocking was heard from the door. Taeyeon moved Summer from her lap standing up.

She opened the door, to see someone's back. The person turned around and Taeyeon covered her hand with her mouth, before jumping into the persons arms.

Taeyeon buried her face into Seohyun's neck. Taeyeon squeezed her sister harder, afraid that if she let go she would disappear forever.

"I thought you were dead!"

Taeyeon fell to the ground bring Seohyun with her, and the sisters hugged on the floor.

They moved inside onto the couch where Summer joined the hung and Taeyeon laid her head on her sisters lap.


Honestly that made me cry even tho it kinda sucked.

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