So I'm in the Hidden rain village? Good to know.

"My point exactly."

"They'll say I'm a God, worthy of their praise." He finished as I let out a bitter laugh.

"You, a God? What do you put in their water? They're fucking delusional. A cult leader? Maybe. Some type of Gang leader, most definitely. But a God? Ha, don't make me laugh." I spat.

"Why hide behind that fake confidence when you can just admit that you're scared." He said as I stared at him.
"Honesty is more admirable." He added.

"Scared of what exactly? Scared of you? No way. Scared of death? I've accepted it. I'm not stupid Pein. I know that even if I agreed to join, my business here would be short."

"Is that why you're refusing to answer? To prolong your death?" He asked as I tried to read him.

"Nah. No matter what I choose, I'm more than likely to die here. So I'll keep my stubbornness and my pride by turning you down over and over again until I meet my fate." I said with a smirk.

"Arrogance doesn't suit you, then again it never has." He said as I rolled my eyes.

"You talk as if you knew me my whole life. You've only had me in your grip for a month now? Maybe you did your research before my capture, but other than that, you have no right to act as if you know me. I don't know exactly what your plan is with me, but as long as I'm alive you're not getting my cooperation. And as long as I breathe I will not let you harm a hair on Naruto's head either, you hear me?!" I asked in slight anger.

"You're slowly becoming a nuisance."

"Then kill me. Surely you don't need me. So kill me right now. I'm weak, and vulnerable, so stop waisting my time with empty threats and just do it." I said as he just looked at me.

"The Otoko power is something needed to stop wars and work towards this plan for peace." He justified.

"What wars?! There hasn't been a war in a very long time! Sure there are incidences, but there are no wars! What your doing will start a war! Don't you know that?"

"But the world must know pain to see peace." He said as I looked at him confused.

"Everyone in this world has seen some kind of pain! Are you dumb, or are you just stupid?"

"If I could, I would kill you right now. I would have killed you the second you chose to decline our offer. But the truth of the matter is, after we killed Kardama, it resulted in an action that left us with no other option but you." He said as I clenched my fists behind the chair.

"Then tell me, what is my power needed for huh?" I asked as he just looked into my eyes.

"I'll give you one last chance to accept the offer. Otherwise I've been ordered to hand you over to Hidan." He said in an amused tone as I growled.

"Can't you just cut my arm off or something? I'd rather go to hell and back, then lose brain cells around that idiotic pea brain." I said as he chuckled.

"Then join us (Y/N)."

"Over my dead body." I growled, as Pein sighed.

The Endearment of the Quadrumvirative (Kakashi x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя