fuCkinG TiTlE

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Shinsou growled softly as he saw more people, he and kaminari were still walking together but in a comfortable silence. Kaminari had his hand gripped onto shinsous jacket sleeve so he wouldn't lose him in the crowd of students they were nearing.

"Mh, kitten cat why do we have to even go to school"

"Stop calling me that" shinsou protested, but it was obvious kaminari just tuned out anything he had to say about the stupid nickname. Shinsou sighed, reaching a hand up to rub his temples.

Kaminari just smiled and continued to trot at his side, his arm still clinging to shinsous as they reached the group of people.Shinsou felt kaminari release his sleeve and he looked back at the blonde, who was racing over to meet a purple haired female... jiro. They began talking.

Shinsou tensed slightly then shook his head before proceeding to walk through the people, his sleeve without the loud blonde now. He felt a strange feeling as he pictured the exited look on kaminari as he rushed to his..friend.

Kaminari rushed to jiro, glancing back at shinsou who seemed irritated as he shoved through the crowd without a care. Kaminari frowned, then smiled again as Jiro started talking to him.

Shinsou was fine... right?


Fucking knew it, soulmates don't exist for me... he wants his soulmate to be jiro, right... maybe it was all a mix up... maybe kaminari wasnt my soulmate...

Shinsou recalled the golden color of Kaminaris eyes, the fluffy haired teen choked back a yell of frustration.

"fuck, why can't that red string of fate exist instead of colors... maybe I'd be able to actually cut that..." the teen hissed in frustration. His legs went faster to where he was now speed walking through the people, the color yellow began to fade from his vision as he got further from his soulmate.

Shinsou couldn't pay attention in class, he found himself thinking about other things. He tapped on his desk impatiently waiting for the lunch bell, he just wanted to be finished with everything.

He avoided looking over at kaminari, his golden hair flashed temptingly at the corner of his vision but shinsou refused to glance over at him...


'You don't deserve a soulmate' he heard an old kid from elementary tell into his ears. 'You don't even deserve friends, hah, what kind of villain can love' he recalled the pain of being kicked in the stomach various times by the kid, he remembered crying out... yet nobody came to his rescue.

Maybe they were right.

Maybe he was worthless

Maybe he didn't deserve kaminari...

He closed his eyes, remembering the feeling of kissing the blonde, maybe kaminari didn't want that...

What if the blonde felt pressured by the soulmates bullshit...

he knew he didn't deserve the happy blonde teenager who always seemed exited when following around the taller male.

The fluffy haired teen itched with impatience. He wanted to go home, not to the dorms but home. He wanted to go to his room and forget about everything at ua...

But even if he did leave, he would always think about kaminari.

So there was no point.

He knew he loved kaminari...


Word count: 536

~colors~ /shinkami/Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя