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Kaminari hummed quietly as he grabbed his school uniform and quickly changed into it, he smiled with satisfaction and quickly tied the tie around his neck.

He grabbed his phone from his bed and walked out of his room.

As he turned to walk outside, kaminari noticed a familiar person with a mop of purple hair.




He purple haired boy turned his head, looking over at kaminari.

"Ah,uh, nice timing?" He tried to make a small conversation.

"...yeah" shinsou stunted away again, walking in silence now.

Surprised he didn't try to run away from me.

Shinsous exhausted eyes fell upon a familiar yellow color, he turned his attention towards it.


"Ah, uh, nice timing" shinsou was silent for many moments.

It's surprising, no matter how many times I brush him away, he keeps coming back to talk to me.

"Yeah" he mumbled in reply, he noticed kaminari looked slightly shocked at the non- harsh reply.


Kaminari smiled slightly, and sped up so that shinsou and him were walking beside each other.

Huh, he's really trying to push his luck.

But for some reason, shinsou didn't tell him to go away, he didn't tell the blonde to leave him alone, and shinsou didn't know why he didn't.

Kaminari was impressed. Shinsou hadn't snapped at him to leave him alone even though he was intentionally walking beside the teen.

"Are you finally warming up to making friends" kaminari cooed teasingly.

"Hey, shut it, pikachu." Shinsou grunted, glaring over at the blonde teen.

He didn't deny it

Or tell me to leave... yet

They walked in silence, making kaminari uncomfortable. He enjoyed talking quite a bit but he was afraid shinsou would possibly murder him if he were too annoying.

Shinsou glanced over, kaminari was staring at the floor looking quite awkward. Shinsou sighed quietly and crossed his arms.

"Something bothering you" shinsou deadpanned.

He noticed kaminari jolt up in surprise.

"Huh! When did you care" his voice still held the teasing tone "do you actually want friends now"

Shinsou ignored the words that kaminari hummed.

My face

It's warm again.



"Huh-" kaminari looked over at shinsou, curiosity now burning in his gaze. "Well you aren't denying anything" he snickered, shoving his hands into his pockets

Is he finally getting used to me?

Shinsou shot another glare towards the other male, but he didn't find himself protesting.

After all

He's right.

Some people's presence just makes you happier.

"Ohhh, I knew you'd stop telling me to go away one day" kaminari dramatically exclaimed.

"Tch, I still can, kaminari" yet his voice still held a gentler tone than their previous encounters.

"Oh? Bet" kaminari crosses his arms, and shinsou just rolled his eyes in response.


Hmmmmmmmmmm 🤔

Word Count- 463

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