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Shinsou watched as the clock hit 9:00 am, he sighed quietly, pulling out his phone.


Shinsous eyes felt heavy with exhaustion, but he knew he wouldn't be able to sleep, even if he didn't have classes. An irritated but gentle groan escaped his lips.

Soulmates are such a stupid concept

Who decided that I have to love my soulmate forever-

He stood up, and walked over to see his clothing options for the day. He slipped on some ripped black jeans and an old t shirt he had.

Might as well go outside... maybe find a place to eat at.

He clicked his door closed behind him, his steps slightly rushed. He reached the slightly cold air that filled the outdoors, it brought a small smile to the tired looking boys face, the weather was nice.

"Are you sure?" A familiar voice murmured in the distance

"Yes! I saw it! It was-" Another very familiar voice spoke.

"But shinsou?" shinsou perked his head up at his name, looking over at the voices. He saw two males sat on a bench, one was a tall black haired male and the other was a shorter grey haired male, who's hair was actually yellow in others eyes.

"How will you be sure?" Sero spoke.

Oh hell no, they're talking about soulmates

Shinsou quickened his pace, hoping the two wouldn't notice him.

But his luck wasn't on his side today.

"Oh, look over there" sero hummed.

"shinsou!" Kaminari leaped to his feet, racing over to the purple haired teen, a smile on his face.

Does he ever stop smiling?

"Hey! Where are you going?" He asked gently.

"What's it to you" shinsou hissed sharply

Why does he keep brushing of my unfriendliness?

Kaminari shrugged, following Shinsou.

"Are you just going to uh.. ditch sero?" Shinsou looked over at the tall black haired teen.

"Oh, yeah! Sero is there" kaminari turned around, about to speak, but sero spoke before him.

"Oi, Kami, I gotta go somewhere so have fun!" A sly smile was on his face.

Shit... he's intentionally leaving us alone

Kaminari hesitated, watching as sero practically ran off.

Ah... he's probably off to tell Mina and Kiri that I am hanging out with shinsou?

Kaminari notices shinsous small glare, making kaminari shrink back slightly.

"So, uhm... how are you?" Kaminari tried to make small talk.

"You're really trying, but I'm not making friends" his voice was harsh as usual, his face turned away from kaminari.

"Huh! Come on shinsou! I know you are avoiding me because-" shinsou slapped his hand over the blondes mouth, his eyes narrowing to an even more intense glare.

"I'm not making friends, and I certainly don't want to have soulmates" his voice was low and dangerously sharp.

"But-" kaminari couldn't finish because shinsou walked away.

Kaminari sighed

Well that went well...

He pulled out his phone and scrolled through his contacts. He hit the one labeled "tapebby"

Pikabby: damn

                                                Tea? :Tapebby

Pikabby: "I'm not making friends
And I certainly don't want to have

                            Do you want me to
                            fight him pikabby :( tapebby

Pikabby: noooo dont murder
My soulmate, sero

                                    Oh? You sure >:) :tapebby

Pikabby: pFFT JESUS

                          me n Mina will kill him
                          together for you    :tapebby

Pikabby: iM???

Kaminari smiled at his phone before sliding it back into his pocket.

He let out a small sigh as he made his way back to the dorms, the smile lingering on his face as he walked.

Shinsou stared at his feet as they walked down the quiet sidewalk.

Maybe I was too harsh?


Shinsou rubbed one of his eyes, his thoughts had been whirling ever since he had seen the golden color in Kaminaris hair and the yellow blanket.

'You can't deny fate forever, hitoshi' Aizawa Sensei told him this often 'you can't just hide from your soulmate, I know, I've tried'

But I don't want a soulmate

I'll just be a burden to them...

Huh, little bb boye

Word count- 666 (that's spooky~)

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