Seven [Edited]

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*Time Skip**Harry's 24 weeks pregnant*

Harry's POV

I push myself off the bed and onto the cold wooden floor, today we're seeing what the genders are. I feel a kick and I place my hand on it, they kicked all night. All of this is a great process to go through, but it's extremely exhausting. 

Louis comes in from the bathroom. He smiles at me. He places his hands on my face and smashes his lips towards me. He quickly picks me and slides his hand down my body. His eyes shoot open and he quickly puts me down. 

He huffs. "You're pregnant," He scoffs. 

I roll my eyes. "Really? I had no idea," I remark. "I'm so big, I'm actually kinda done,".

 I plop onto the bed and lay down. Louis comes crawling to me and lays next to me. "You're making a family, you're an amazing person," he tells me. I smile and get up leaving him. 

I walk towards the kitchen and get out strawberry jam and chips. I dip my chips in the jam. Louis comes in and furrows his eyebrows. "We need to get whipped cream," I say. "I just bought some yesterday?" He questions. "I ate it all with my pickles," I say. He gulps, I giggle like a schoolgirl. 

Niall and Liam come marching in. "You ready?" they ask. I shake my head. I quickly place my food down and waddle to my bedroom. I climb into my maternity jeans and pull on a black shirt. I pull my hair into a bun and put a hair tie on my wrist. I feel a slight pain in my stomach and I recognize it as a Braxton hicks. I shuffle to the kitchen, ignoring the uncomfortableness. 

I slip on my shoes and I walk towards Niall and Liam. "You're getting big," Liam comments. My lip quivers and I breakdown. Louis rushes to my aid and rocks me in his arms.

 "Was it something I said?" Liam asks. 

Louis gives Liam the death stare. "H-He called me fat," I hiccup. 

"No he didn't baby, he's happy. you're growing a baby, calm down, love," Louis coos. I eventually stop crying and stand up. "'m'sorry, it's the hormones," I say. "It's okay, H. I'm not angry," he says. I nod and walk out to their car. 

I get in the back seat and I pull out my phone.  

Niall hops in the passenger seat. He smiles back at me. "Sorry," he mutters. "For what?" I question. "I just- I know this pregnancy has been hard for you, considering the only thing you wanted is your own family. That was the only you asked of Louis," he responds. I sigh.

"Have you talked to Louis about it?" Niall asks. I'm silent. "You haven't even brought it up,". 

He scoffs. "Harry, if I was you, I know the only thing you want is for you all's relationship to work, but- I don't know- Harry if the only thing you want is a baby to make you happy, and he's not making you happy anymore, release yourself from him, and find someone who will make you happy. Someone who will appreciate you and give you a baby," he tells me. 

"He does give me everything I want," I mutter. 

"Are you sure about that?" Niall says, attitude laced in his voice. 

"Fuck off Niall," I say to him. He shrugs and pulls out his phone. 

The air is so tense, you can cut it. 

Liam hops in, all happy and giddy. 

"Hey, guys!" Liam exclaims. "Harry's in a mood," Niall blurts out.

I scoff


"If you would pull up your shirt for me," Leo says. I lean back and pull my shirt up. My large stomach peaks through. He squirts gel onto my stomach. My stomach really hard, my stomach aches. "Braxton hick?" Leo questions. I nod. Once I move a bit, it dissolves into more of an achy pain. 

Leo uses the wand and spreads the gel. He clicks buttons. "They look very healthy, how are your stress levels been?" He asks. 

"Better, still not the best for me, but a lot better," I answer. He smiles and nods. 

"Do you all want to know the genders?" he asks us. I look up at the two. They both nod.

"It's a girl and a boy!" Leo exclaims. I smile as Niall jumps and down. Tears run down Liam's face.

Leo hands me a napkin. I sit up and wipe my stomach. He checks my blood pressure and writes it down. 

He checks my weight and height.  

Once we can leave, I hop in my car. Caressing my stomach.

What if, this was my experience? 



Do you think Niall's right about Larry's relationship? Or is he out of line? Is Harry finally coming to terms? Or will he always imagine his other life? 


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