Five [Edited]

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Harry's POV

"Harry, Niall, and Liam are coming over and taking you to your appointment," Louis says to me. I look up from my laptop. "Okay, do you know when they will be here?" I ask Louis. "They should be here in like a minute," he tells me. I nod. 

It's 4:00 pm right now, so my morning sickness has faded. Which is good for me. "Does that me I have to get dressed?" I ask Louis getting up. He chuckles. "Yeah, sorry, bud,".

I huff and walk towards the bedroom. I slip on a grey shirt, that's now tight. I tug on the bottom, note to self- I need to shop for clothes. I pull on jeans and zip them up best I can. Okay, definitely shopping tomorrow. 

I sigh and walk back into the kitchen, where Niall and Liam are. "Hey, guys!"  I exclaim. "Hey prego sauce," Liam says. I crack a smile. 

"How are you?"Niall asks.  

"Eh, getting better every day, I suppose. I mean, I'm having twins," I say, shrugging. 

Niall nods. "Alrighty, you ready?" Liam asks. I nod. I go up to Louis and he places his hand on my stomach. "Your babies are getting big," Louis says. Niall smiles at Louis. " I feel like they're going to be big babies," I say. Liam laughs. 

I peck Louis' lips and walk out. I get into they're car and wait for them. 


"Harry?" the nurse calls. I look up from my phone. I was texting Louis jokes and watching his dots for his typing disappear. It makes me happy watching him suffer from my jokes. 

I am the best.

Prettiest too.

Well, maybe, Louis is very beautiful.

I get up and push off the chair. Things are becoming harder now, and I'm only 8 weeks. Later, I'm meeting with my mum. She's home from vacation, she got home last night I believe. 

I officially have a baby bump, which is different. I'm not used to be pregnant. It's a nice experience, I mean, I know it would be hard to give the baby to them. I won't have one, but it's nice to have been pregnant, even if the baby isn't mine. 

I walk back into the room and sit on the table. They strap the cup over my arm and take my blood pressure. "It's a little high, have you been stressed a lot lately?" she asks me. Liam scrunches his eyebrows. Niall sits back in his seat. 

I nod, sheepily. Niall and Liam hate it when I'm stressed now, they really want the best for they're baby. Last time, they took me and did that kind of disappointed talk where you know they're mad but they won't tell you that. 

Niall sighs quite loudly and Liam covers his face with his hands. 

"try to stay calm, okay? Not a big deal, just not too much stress," she tells me. I nod. She has me stand up and she measures how tall I am and she weighs me. "You're having twins, right?" she asks me. "yeah?" I ask, questionably. 

"Okay, I was just wondering," she says.

She measures my stomach and she furrows her eyebrows. She scribbles on her notes. "You can sit down, you're ob-gyn will be here shortly," she says and scrabbles out of the door. 

I furrow my eyebrows and pull out my phone.

Someone how my anxiety got worse so every time I call Louis. Times like this are very helpful when you have a husband. 

I go into my contacts and find his name. I press on it and press call. 

"Louis," I say. Niall and Liam look over at me, but quickly pull out they're own phones, I assume texting each other. They've done that since they started dating, it's like their thing.

"Harry I swear if you just called me to tell a joke I swear-"

"Louis, I think something's wrong," I say quickly.

There's a long pause, more of just silence than a pause. 

"What do you mean? Do you mean with the babies or you?" He asks. 

"the babies," I breathe out. 

He sighs out, I can tell he's playing with his hair, which is getting longer. 

"what's up?" He questions.

"Well when they weighed me they asked me if I was having twins," I say.

he hums in response. 

I continue. "And when they measured me, she was like frightened and ran off,".

"Oh, baby. It'll be okay. If something does happen, I'll be there as soon as possible," he explains. The sounds of paper being tossed echoes through my brain.

"Okay Thank-" I get cut off with slight pain, like a cramp. 

I place my hand on my stomach. My stomach is tighter and is hard. 

"Harry? Are you okay? Everything good?" I hear Louis say. I breathe out. 

"Niall, Liam," I say, more frightened that something is wrong. Niall shoots up and walks towards me while Liam takes the phone, explaining stuff to Louis. Niall helps me up and the pain gets worse. Like really bad!

"Oh, lord! It hurts!" I shout out. Niall clutches my hand.  "Breath," he tells me. "I'm going to get a doctor," Liam tells us. I nod and he rushes out. My phone is on speaker and I can hear Louis panicking. 

Everything spins and everything hurts. My legs get weak, my whole body gets weak. I breathe in and out really fast. I can see people entering but I can't react. My vision is blurry and I'm afraid if I do, I'll fall and hurt myself.

Worse, I'll hurt the babies. 

"B-babies," I breathe out before gasping at a pain. The pain is getting worse and worse as time goes on. 

Then, it all goes black.

I can't hear or see a thing.

I breathe, and my memory blanks. 


shorter chapter, sorry. 

Is harry going to be okay? What about the babies? Our the couples going to make it? Or will one of them go down? Is Louis and Harry's relationship getting better to the point fo truthfulness? Or not quite yet? 


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