Three [Edited]

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Harry's POV 

-10 days later- 

I sit down in the chair. The nurse cleans off my arm with rubbing alcohol. 

I look up and Louis is sitting on the patient table. I'm still hurt by what he did, but I forgave him. I don't think he forgave himself for what he did, which is natural. 

He frankly deserved the grief- not to be dramatic or anything.

Louis came for support, since, ya know, he feels bad.

The nurse takes my blood and wraps my arm. "Aright, we'll right back in a bit," She tells me. "that's fine," I tell her. Niall came too, but Liam couldn't. He had work. 

"Harry, I'm sorry," Louis says. "Louis, It's okay,". "Harry, I know I said I wanted to give you a baby, but I want to explore the world with you. I don't really want a baby," he tells me.

I'm trying to control my breathing, stress is not good right now. 

"Louis, I'm not going to say I understand, because I truly don't. But I respect that and I guess we won't have kids. But this is getting tiring. One day you tell me you want a baby, now you don't want one? Louis stress is not good right now," I say sitting up.

He nods. 

The doctor comes back in smiling. "Hey Harry, and who might you be?" the doctor asks Louis. "I'm his husband," Louis says shaking his hand. "nice to meet you," the doctor says.

He grabs his checkboard.

"So the results came back positive, you're pregnant!" The doctor exclaims. 

Niall bursts into sobs, Louis hugs him tightly. I smile brightly. 

"You're scheduled to come back in about 3 weeks, so you'd be a month pregnant," he explains. I nod and mentally prepare myself. 

"Everything looks fine right now, so you're free to leave," The doctor says. I smile and get up, grabbing my phone and putting it into my pocket.

Louis and I lace hands walking out of the doctor's office. "So, you're pregnant," Louis trails off. "I am," I tell him, placing my hand on my stomach. 

"Do you need anything?" Louis asks. I shake my head "No, I'm okay," I say, I feel a bit hurt. He nods and starts the car. Niall left already, he ran out and called Liam I suppose.

I hope this all goes well. 


This is a filler. Not even 1,000 words.

Louis backs out again. Is he being natural and normal- or is he just being a pain? (Payne) Is Harry being too much and overedge or is he reacting normally? 


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