Nine [Edited]

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Harry's POV 

"my water broke,"

"HOLY SHIT!" Niall yells. I breathe in and out. Louis smiles fondly at me. Even though I'm pissed at him, I still love him and glad he's supporting me. 

I groan as the contraction ends. "Ew, my pants are soaked," I say. "Who cares? We're getting our babies!" Liam cheers. 

Blurriness hits me and I slump back. A contraction hits me and my yelp. "Oh god, somethings wrong," I say. Dizziness comes now. "What? What's wrong?!" Niall exclaims. 

"I- my blood pressure," I say. 

Louis POV 

Now I'm worried. High blood pressure isn't good. It can kill the babies and him. I can't lose him, not after what I made up in my mind. 

I squeeze his hand as he breathes through his contraction. I start the car and rush to the hospital. "How many minutes are we away?" Harry croaks. "25, hold in there baby," I coo. 

"I'm still mad at you," he tells me. "I know baby," I say. He clutches my hand And breathes through them. He bounces his leg up and down as he soothes himself.  

"Fuck! Traffic!" I swear. He yells a bit as a contraction hits him. 

"Niall you fucking shit hole you too Liam! Better fucking love me and cherish me! Why did I agree to this! Fuck! Fuck!" Harry says after we've been in the car for over 30 minutes. 

We finally get to the hospital and Harry's contractions are every 30 seconds and last about 45 seconds. I quickly get out of the car and run over to the side where Harry is. I help Harry out of the car. He pushes me off and leans back in his seat. 

Niall and Liam get out and grab his bag. "Breath," I say. "I know how to fucking breath," Harry snaps at me. Hormones. "It really hurts," Harry croaks as his eyes glass over. 

He leans into me and cries softly. His contraction ends and I feel him relax. "Harry get out, we can move quickly," I coo. He stiffens up, which means a contraction. I rub his back in circles.

It ends and he quickly gets up. He speeds walks to the entrance. We get to the emergency just in time as his contraction hits. 

He leans up against the wall. He pushes himself through it and leans into me as we walk up to the desk. 

"Can I help you?" The nurse asks. "Yes, my husband's water broke," I respond. "Oh, get one of those wheelchairs, and we'll wheel him off," she says. I nod. I get him the wheelchair. He sits down. 

Harry's POV 

I feel a pain go across my groin. I groan and I push my head back in pain. "Louis!" I screech. He places his hand on my shoulder and strokes it. The nurse gets up and presses a button. 

The wheel me down to labor and delivery. 

I push off Louis and they instruct me to lay on the bed. They have me put on a gown. My stomach tumbles as I realize just how close I am to having a baby for Niall and Liam. 

I lay back down as a contraction hits. I clutch onto the rails of the hospital bed. I breathe out breaths that have a rasp to them. I close my eyes as an attempt to ease the pain. 

The doctor walks in. He checks me quickly before another contraction hits. I desperately reach for Louis's hand. I squeeze it as I go through my contraction. "He's 9 centimeters dilated, it should be soon!" He exclaims. I groan out while giving Liam a look. 

"One you guys can help ease the pains by doing positions. So, Harry could lean against the bed, while Louis rocks his hips. It helps quicken the labor and ease it a bit," he explains. We all nod. 

Once he leaves. I have Louis help me up. "We have to try something, I can't do this much longer," I say. I have Louis help me with it. I lean against the bed, my feet on the ground. 

Louis gently rocks my hips back and forth. "Ooo, contraction," I breathe out. I stiffen up. Louis rubs my back as the pain only gets worse. 

The pain keeps getting worse and I find myself wanting to sob. I flip over so I'm facing Louis. I sit down on the bed as another contraction hits. I grasp his shoulders. 

"I can't, I can't"I whimper. "Come on, just a few more minutes," Louis coos. I weep into his shoulders. My grasp tightens every time a contraction hits. 

I change positions so I'm laying on the bed. The doctor comes in. He has me push up my legs so he can see how much I'm dilated. 

"Ten, you're ready to push!" He exclaims. My head goes back in exhaustion. "You're doing so well," Niall says. 

The nurses come in. They press up against my legs. They feel around my stomach. 

There are so many emotions right now. It's really hard to handle. 

I'm giving birth. 

Right now. 


What do you think about what Louis said? 


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