Two [Edited]

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Harry's POV

"You excited?" I ask Niall and Liam- noticing their slight nudges to each other.

Louis couldn't come, or he didn't want to. I haven't quite figured out if he was lying. He's being less and less transparent for me to figure him out every day. He just told me, no, and I'm hoping it's because he's busy. 

If you're confused, let me explain.

When we first got married, Louis really wanted a puppy and I wanted a cat. So, being me, we got a dog. We named him mini, cause he acted like Louis in a-way. 

Louis had to go on a business trip and the dog bit me and I had to get stitches, a day later he got sick so I took him to the vet and they used the wrong time of medicine, and-he's no longer alive. Louis is convinced I killed the dog, he said such hurtful things to me. He even said he would sue me, he got the papers and everything. 

He should've sued the doctor- but of course, it was my fault. So what was the point? 

A couple of weeks later, he was still mad at me. I was so tired of him yelling at me and getting mad at me-  so I blew up and started yelling at him, not hurtful things, just the truth. 

I did what I needed to do. Nobody should be treated with such hate and painful things yelled at them. It's what he deserved. 


"Goddamnit Harry! Can't you do anything right?! You killed my dog! And now you messed up my work, by spilling coffee on it!?" Louis yells at me for what seems like the thousandth time.


"No! Shut up! Your job is to leave me alone alright, that's you're fucking job. I don't even wanna see you! My mom is so mad at you, Anne should be too! Why?! I loved mini! Did you want attention or something?!" Louis screams at me.

My blood boils as I feel tears prickle in my eyes. My body trembles as I stare at my once nice husband.

"LOUIS! Shut up! Shut the fuck up! I didn't kill the fucking dog! You didn't give me time to explain! The doctor gave Mini the wrong medicine! My mum is not mad at me because I came crying to her about it Louis! Have you ever bothered to ask me how I was?! I was actually there when I was told that! I was the one who had to pay! I was one who had to see him die! I was the one who told you! How the fuck did you think I felt?! And no! He isn't just your dog! I bought him, he's technically mine! But believe what you want to believe!"

"I'm so tired of getting yelled at every single second for something that isn't a big deal! Louis, you need to grow up and stop being a bitch! I know that's rude and I know it hurts, but you have to realize that life goes on! You should be happy because you have an amazing husband who's supportive of you and wants kids with you!"

"You should be happy 'cause you always have food on the table when you get home from work! You have food! You have a place to sleep! Instead, you're yelling at me for something that could be printed out again?! I'm so done, Louis," I say grabbing my shoes and keys. I open the door and step out into the warm air. 

And I swear I heard him say "We're not having kids anymore,".

I swear I did, and that's when I broke, he came rushing out and thought it was about the dog. He helped me inside and I sat on our couch staring at the wall. He couldn't have said that? Could he?

He knows how much I want a baby, he knows. He wouldn't be that cold, would he? He wouldn't. 

I trust him.

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