Four [Edited]

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Harry's POV

-three weeks later-

The sunlight shines through the curtains. I shift so I'm on my side. Today I'm 5 weeks pregnant, well not exactly. I'm a month and 8 days, so 5 weeks and 1 day. 

My appointment is early in the morning, which is not what I like. I'm very bloated and emotional. Like I'm a teenager all over again. 

I feel someone nudging me. I slowly open my eyes and blink. I rub my eyes and lay on my back. I see Louis staring at me with a smile.

Our relationship has gotten better, almost back to normal, so that's good. 

I place my hand on my stomach. It's bigger than normal people, I know it's not a bump, but bloating. But still, it's bigger. 

"Mornin' sunshine," Louis hums. "move I have to pee," I croak. Louis breathly chuckles and moves. I get up and walk to the bathroom. I pee and wash my hands. A sudden wave of nausea hits me. I rush back into the bathroom and gag before puking up the contents of my stomach.

I hear padding and I feel hands rubbing my back. Louis puts my hair into a bun and helps me up after I finish. I wipe my mouth and flush. I wash my hands and use mouthwash. 

"Let's get you some bread and some sprite, yeah?" he offers. I nod and get back into bed. He turns to me about to say something before I interrupt him with "I have to pee,". "Didn't you just go?" he asks. I nod going back into the bathroom.

"It's like you're having twins," Louis jokes.

I giggle before doing my business. Once again a wave of sickness hits me. I groan before crouching down near the toilet and puking. I do the same thing I did last time: flush, wash hands, use mouthwash. 

Louis brings in Sprite and bread. I take a bit of bread, and surprisingly, I can keep it down. 

"This is what I was craving," I tell Louis. He smiles. "I'm glad I can please you," he says. I nod wolfing down the bread. 


I'm finally ready.

I have my jeans on, which are becoming harder to put on. My black shirt is on, my hair is pushed back by a headband.

I was so close to leaving the house.

But no.

This baby didn't want that.

I had the urge to puke again and I thought it would be over, but I can't even get up without puking. I barely have anything in my system.

"Harry, drink water, it'll help," Louis says coming into the bathroom. I get up and my stomach twists. I bend down and puke again. I groan and tears appear in my eyes. 

Louis gives me the water and I sip it. Surprisingly I don't puke, so I get up and use the mouth wash. I flush and wash my hands. I get a water bottle and fill it up with water. 

"I'm going to take this with me, it seems to be working," I tell Louis. "Figured, when my mum was pregnant with the twins, she just drank water in order to keep anything down," Louis says. 

I nod and grab my phone. I walk out to the car, the bottle of water clutched in my hands.

I drink some more water, which made me realize I'd have to go pee like 10 times. 

Niall and Liam are meeting us there, which is better for me. I'm not feeling the best today, I'd rather be with Louis. Today is the first day I've experienced morning sickness. And it's awful.

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