Eight [Edited]

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Harry's POV

I waddle over to the kitchen table and sit down. Everything makes me want to puke. I have no idea why though. It's like I'm back in my first trimester.  My back aches as my feet do too. It's very painful with twins when you're nine months pregnant. I'm supposed to be having them anytime now. 

I've shown no signs though. I seem perfectly fine. 

"Harry!" Louis calls. I get up and waddle towards the bedroom. "Yes?" I say. I'm already out of breath. "Relax," he says. "I was till you called me," I snap at him. 

He sits by me. "They keep kicking, and it hurts," I say. A sharp pain hits me. I yelp. It's a pain I've never had before. I place my hand on my stomach, rock hard. "Thank god," I murmur. 

"What?" Louis aks. 

"A contraction, we're getting somewhere," I breathe out. "Yay!" Louis cheers. He places his hand on my stomach. "I heard that if You walk it gets better," Louis says. 

I nod and get up. It ends and I breathe out.  I need to pee. 

I waddle towards the bathroom and pee, I walk out and a contraction hits me. I breath in and out. 

I tremble,  I'm not good with pain. I'm  not getting an epidural, Niall and Liam are afraid it's going to kill the babies, since it can and may slow the babies are rates too low. 

I gulp back and hang on to the wall. Once it ends I walk back to the bedroom. "Let's go to the park," I suggest to Louis, he looks at me like I'm crazy. 

"Seriously?" He asks. I nod. "Why?" 

"It can help the process go faster, my sister did it," I say, excitement racing through my veins. 

"Okay, Niall and Liam can come with, Incase something does happen, alright?" He says. I nod. 

Niall and Liam are with me 24/7, it's really getting annoying. Or maybe it's my hormones, but I need a break. I will once these two are born. I love being pregnant, but it's a lot to be around people who only care for the babies that live inside you, which is why I have Louis. 

He doesn't want kids at all, just wants me. I don't know why. My body's ruined. It still hurts my head to say that he doesn't want kids. That's still all I want. Niall's words still haunt me to this day. 

I know Louis loves me, he has forever. I have too. I just want kids so bad, and he won't give me that. I just want them so bad, is that a bad thing? 

Maybe once he sees birth it'll change his mind? I highly doubt it. 

I waddle to the car and get it. Louis walks out, he has my hospital bag slung over his shoulder. Niall's getting something so he can lactate milk for the babies. So I won't have to. But I kind of wanted to. Experience it, cause I'm not going to be able to do it again. 

I really want a baby. 

He gets it and starts the car. The contraction starts again but it's worse. I close my eyes and breathe through it. 

We pick up Niall and Liam and they're thrilled. "We're having a baby!" Niall squeals. I chuckle. "This could last for like a month," I point out. "Yeah, but it shouldn't. For you at least," Liam says. I nod. Louis takes my hand and rubs it. 

Tears hit me. And I start bawling. Louis stops the car and looks over at me after he pulls over of course. "What's wrong?!" Louis asks. "Is it the babies?!" Liam asks. I shake my head. 

"Why would you do this to me?" I squeak out, looking directly at Louis. "What?" He inquires. "You let me be a surrogate when you knew what I wanted," I say. Niall slumps back, Liam looks at him. 

"Not again," Louis groans. "What the hell do you mean?! I'm pregnant with their baby! And all I want is a baby! For fuck's sake Louis! Why?! Why don't you want a baby?!" I yell at him. He flinches. "Harry calm down, the babies," Louis says. 

"Just tell me why," I murmur. 

"Because I'm stupid and petty that's why! Remember when you hurt me! Yeah, that's why! I'm stupid and petty!" He yells. 

I'm about to say something back when pain runs across my stomach. I groan and squeeze Louis's hands. "I'm sorry," he says. "It'll take time," I breathe out. He nods. I feel a gush and look down. "You peed your pants?" Liam questions. 

I stare down at it. Pain hits me again. "No," I squeak out. 

"My water  broke," 


Do you think Harry still has the right to complain about not being pregnant with his baby? or should he not- considering it'll only stress him out more? Is Niall still right? Or is Larry going to show him up? 


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