Chapter 71 - My Adorable Luck!

Start from the beginning

"Yes! Yes, they do. But I never imagined you would come to my house. It's nothing compared to your house," Raul expressed honestly in his excitement.

I cringed at his words, but I knew he was just being honest.

"Yes, but your house has something that mine doesn't," Norberto confided meaningfully. When Raul looked up at him in question, he whispered, "My house doesn't have You."

Raul giggled up loudly at his response. Norberto eyes grew softer at the sound of his laughter, something I had never seen in his eyes. Raul pulled him inside saying he wanted to show him his paintings. While I was personally not at all okay with Norberto walking around inside my house, with my son, I had no way of stopping him and Raul. Especially not in front of Tom who had been staring at the two of them quite intently.

As soon as they went inside, he turned to me with a questioning look. "Do you know this man? He appears quite friendly with Raul. When did you guys meet actually?"

"Uhmm.. yesterday. We m..met yesterday at Gregorian Castle," I faltered awkwardly. He kept staring, not believing a word of what I was saying. I could see it on his face.

"That's not like you at all. I have never seen you meeting new people so freely. You wouldn't even talk to them easily let alone inviting them to your house," he commented suspiciously.

This is not what I wanted to discuss. Not liking where the discussion was going, I tried to smile it off, if it was possible.

"I didn't invite him. He seemed to have invited himself," I laughed, trying to put it up as something insignificant.

"And yet he is inside your house, most probably, in your bedroom with your son. And you are okay with it?"

I just didn't know how to answer that. Obviously, I was not okay. I was not okay with Norberto anywhere within three thousand miles of me and my son. But life had put me in this tricky situation all over again. I had to figure out a way again. I had to.

But before that, I had to get rid of Tom. Speaking to Norberto was difficult as it is, without having an audience. I didn't need any more reason to further complicate the situation. I tried to see him off as politely as possible.

"You are right. I should check on them. It was nice of you to drop by. Maybe we can do the picnic some other time," I mumbled, before hurriedly taking off. But Tom was in no mood of getting dismissed so easily.

"Are you sure you will be fine? I mean, of course, we can do the picnic later, but will you be okay with that man here. Do you want me to wait here till he leaves?" He doubted again.

"No, no, that's not needed. I'll be fine. I'll see you around. Thanks," I replied quickly and took a step away from him, but Tom was quicker. Getting hold of my hand, he pulled me towards himself and said sternly, "I'll be honest. I am not comfortable with the thought of another man in your house. I would have been happier if you were seeing him off rather than me."

"Tom, I,-"

"But since you obviously seemed to have made up of your mind, I am going to trust you. I must leave then," he continued going softer, much to my relief. But it was too short lived.

"But can you at least help me put my mind at ease," Tom murmured pulling me closer to his lips. I immediately tried to pull away but that's when he increased his pressure on hands that were holding me to him.

"Tom, no, please," I tried to plead to him, but he slipped his hands around me and squeezed my back into him.

"Melanie, you know I had been waiting too long. You owe it to me," he persuaded but I could see he was not in his right state of mind. Something had triggered off his balance and he was hell bent on proving his ownership on me.

At that very moment, I was sick of men trying to own me.

I wanted to scream at him but knowing Raul was nearby, I tried to calm my frightened heart and reach out to his senses. "No, Tom, stop it. You don't know what you are saying. Let me go!"

"I won't!" He denied.

"I think the lady said no."

Just then, the voice behind made both of us jump out in fear. Tom scattered himself away and looked in the opposite direction while I was forced to acknowledge Norberto standing back in the living room with a blank face. It was difficult to read what was going through his mind but right now I was more concerned with my own red face. I was petrified at being trapped in such a situation with Tom but then having Norberto to witness my embarrassment was even more pitiful.

I wanted to hit out at Tom for putting me in this state. I looked at him with disgust and he quickly averted his eyes. At least he looked ashamed. But after that dirty stunt I no longer could trust him to be truly embarrassed of his misconduct.

What would have happened had Norberto not stepped in when he did?

I didn't even want to think on those lines. My miserable life never lost an opportunity to prove just how pathetic it is. Tom! Of all the people! The educated and decent doctor whom I had thought to be my friend. I never had any intentions of having anything more than friendship with him, but I respected him, found him genuinely concerned and a man worthy of my friendship.

What a fool I had been to imagine men wanted anything other than a warm body to fuck. This was so embarrassing on so many levels it was actually painful.

"I think you should be leaving," Norberto ordered Tom. Though his words were calm and cool, I had no clue what would happen if Tom, in his own stupidity, decided to ignore him. Fortunately, he didn't.

Tom snorted and picked up his hat lying on the ground. Then throwing one last distasteful look at me and Norberto, he finally rushed out of the house. Once he was out, Norberto looked back at me and uttered disdainfully, "That's quite a friend you had there."

I was in no mood of listening to Norberto lecturing me on men. "My adorable luck! I guess, it never ceases to attract disgusting men," I taunted, not able to hold myself in. Then turning away, I tried to step past him to go to Raul. I was already tired of men's company. But he blocked my exit.

"Are you alright?" he asked me, staring at my pale face.

I am not okay! I wanted to scream back at his face. Instead I just lowered my eyes and said in a low voice, "Yes."

He kept staring at me for few more seconds before stepping aside giving me way to walk inside. Even though Tom had left, my heart knew the real danger was still here, just a breadth away.

Why was he here?

I worried again, fearing the absolute worst in my heart.

Was there a way I could avoid the disaster that was all set to mess up my life all over again?


Dear Lovely Readers,

Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! That was embarrassing to say the least. Our girl, Melanie really seem to have it bad with men. Why is it that even sweet kind men like Tom, take a turn into selfish vicious ones when around her? Sad, I know (But it was needed, you will understand soon).

Tell me, who was expecting Tom to turn up at her home this morning and then turn into shitty man? Well, not Melanie for sure.

And what about Norberto? What do you think he is up to?

I know this was a short update and also delayed but don't worry, you won't have to wait for long for the next one, which should be out real soon. I hope to be with you guys real soon.

Till then, don't forget to vote and comment below to let me know you are loving the story. Selfish, bit? Humor me, please.

Sending you lots of my love,


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