*~Chapter 1~*

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It has been a 4 to 5 weeks after the 2nd war and everything was still going back to normal.

Percy wasn't the same tho.

He was cheated on by Annabeth.


Percy came back from being attacked by a minotaur. He was slightly injured but he didn't care. He was going to propose to Annabeth. Tho he was starting to doubt it.

His feelings towards her weren't the same. The spark was gone and another person took her place in his mind.

She has been distant lately. Everytime Percy wanted to meet up for a date or walk around camp just to get that spark back, she would just decline with a made up excuse. For example, 'No sorry seaweed brain, I have to work on the architecture to rebuild the damage around camp.' Wich was an obvious lie. The architecture was made by Athena a few days after the war. It's been a week since that.

When he made it to the Athena cabin something seemed wrong. He knocked on the door and Kody, a new son of Athena, opened the door.

"Hey Kody! Is Annabeth here?" Percy asked the younger boy.

"Oh she went away with her 'friend'? I don't think it was a friend though Percy. They were holding hands...." Kody said, guilt and disappointment for his half sister building up inside him.

Percy eyes widen.

"Who was it?!" Percy asked his voice raised but not to the point of a scream.

Kody looked down at his feat.


Percy felt anger bubble inside him.

Annabeth might be cheating on him with a fucking Ares spawn!

Who is Max?

He's also a new demigod but his godly parent is Ares. Wich means he's Clarisses half brother.

Every girl swooned over 'how hot his abs and hair looked'.

Even Aphrodiet.

Back to the story.

Percy fell onto his knees, tears swealing up in his eyes.

Kody bent down and patted Percys shoulder.

" Go see it to see it it isn't true...." Kody said with a sad, apologetic smile on his face.

Percy just nodded and got up. He wiped his tears away.

Percy smiled at Kody and walked away.

Time skip

Percy couldn't find them. He visited every place- he realised he hadn't checked the beach.

He walked into its direction


*moans and grunts*

Percy made his way to the beach only to find Annabeth in a swimsuit, wich she hadn't had the top on, on a guys lap who was in swimming trunks.

They were kissing eachother sloppily, like if it was the first time.

But Percy knew it wasn't.

Annabeth came to his cabin in the mornings with hickey on her neck, she probably thought they were covered enough for Percy to not see.

The water of the beach splashed them with a powerfull force. Percy was now Angry like not any other time.

He fucking spent time with her, declined immortality and godhood for a fucking slut who sleeps with a Ares spawn for gods sake!

The two others looked at him terified. The son of Poseidon punched Max so hard the poor guy fainted.

He stomped away, ignoring the cries of Annabeth saying she didn't mean it and it is what it looks like.

Percy rolled his eyes before entering his cabin and locked the door.

He sighed and put his hands onto his head, sitting down on the couch.

A soft knock was heard.

" Go away Annabeth!" Percy said not so calmly.

"Percy it's me Nico. ...." Nico said from the other side of the door.

Percy rushed to the door opening it. He lunged at Nico.

He hugged him tight as he began to sob into the black haired boys shoulder.

Nico returned the embrace yet he was confused to why Percy was crying.

End of flashback~

The memories didn't hurt anymore. He didn't feel the love. And he was glad.

He didn't want to love a whore.

A fruit of love. Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now