ÙwÚ~Chapter 22~ÙwÚ

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When Percy woke up he couldn't help but feel that something was just off. Yes, Kovus was in 'that' state but that wasn't it. He quickly looked at his lap and let out a breath of relief when he saw a softly snoring, peaceful Nico cuddled against him.

But in that case...what is causing him to feel like this? Nico is safe, Kovus is for now stable...so what is it?

He sighed. This was too much thinking. He was starting to get a headacke.

He unwrapped himself from Nico (the unadmiting cuddly bear) and got up. He needed to relax. Ofcourse the first thing in his mind was his favorite place, the beach.

He was going to use vapor travel. It was something that takes quite a bit of his energy. But ofcourse this stuborn dumbass would never admit it. Just so people won't worry about him.

----------------------------at the beach---------

Percy felt his knees want to give up. He felt exhausted before going to sleep, so little energy came from the one hour sleep. Thankfully he chose the beach.

Not bothering to look at the water he dove in, his energy slowly comming back to him. He closed his eyes and slowly relaxed. He sighed out in relief that the exhaustion that bothered him so long was now finally gone.

He dove out the water and smiled lightly. He opened his eyes and looked at something frightening. His heart clenched when he saw his once loved beautiful sea look like an ugly swamp.

Was that the reason of his feeling? Maybe the sea was calling him for help. But he didn't have much thing in common with the sea that he traveled to. It was fased by his father, not him.

Then it hit him like a ton of bricks. His father surely wasn't alright. If Poseidon was alright this sea would've been just as beautiful as it was before. And that wasn't the case.

Percy furrowed his brows. How didn't he notice before?

He started to realise how his father was doing much more and more as memories flashed in his mind.

(Chapter 14)

Percy looked around the room and saw only his dad sitting in his throne.

"Dad!" Percy yelled as he ran to his father .

Percy engulfed the sea god into a hug.

Poseidon hugged his son back tightly.

Percy let go off his dad.

"Call the Olympian gods." Percy said urgently.

Poseidon understood the tone in his son's voice and quickly let out a sign to the Olympians.

Soon the council room was full.

"Poseidon! Are you better- oh.....you still look the same...." Zeus said.

Poseidon sighed.

"It's not about me. Percy needed us" The sea god explained.

-------flashback end------------

"Poseidon! Are you better- oh.....you still look the same...." Zeus said.

That one sentence kept repeating in his head over and over again. The more it did the more he was worried.

He started realising that even the gods were worried, wich clearly meant that something was dangerously wrong.

And he noticed that his dad wasn't looking like he should. He looked like he was in his 50s but normaly he looked about 20 or 30..

A fruit of love. Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now