ÒwÓ~Chapter 23~ÒwÓ

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Nico woke up only to find out he was alone, again.

He felt quite rejected since he clearly told Percy to wake him up and tell him if he goes somewhere when he is sleeping.

His own mind started to make fun of him.

'He clearly is just using you! I mean, who would love you?'

"Shut up!" Nico said clutching on his hair as tears escaped his eyes.

The boy thought he got rid of that thing inside his head long ago.

'Why should I? It's all true. You're just a scrawny goth wannabe. You look sick. In a bad way of course. Your skin looks ugly just like your eyes and those bags underneath them.'

"STOP!....please" his voice quietly rasped out, his throat dry because of crying.

The voice didn't stop. It erupted into laughter.

'Can't wait to talk to you again wannabe.'

Nico hid his head into his legs as he let out sets of silent tears, letting out a quiet sob from time to time.

(With the Father and Son)

"Papa....why are you like this..?" Percy asked Poseidon with a cracked voice, as he looked up at his father with swollen and glossy eyes.

Poseidon sighed as he looked at his son. He clearly didn't want to tell him but he had to. He could only hope that Percy would accept it. If not, Poseidon would be lost.

"Just hear me out Percy. Ok?" Poseidon asked almost pleadingly.

Percy nodded his head with heasitation, slightly nervous.

"I am in a relationship." Percy was about to speak up but Poseidon cut him off " You told me you would hear me out first."

"The gods know them as a shadow. They showed up at a meeting. I was raging that the Olympians.....took you away.....and was way too worried to keep in my rage. But I felt their calming hand. We haven't seen eachother for 17 years. Now I just can't stop missing them more and more everyday. And you also think of me as a bastard isn't that right? I didn't treat you like I should. You look so missunderdtood. And I wish I could.....help but..It's hard when I hate myself" Poseidon said as tears started to travel down his cheeks. (A/n You must be a NF fan if you know what I did at the end.)

Percy eyes widen. His father thought that about himself? Why would he? The demigod looked at his fathers face

"Papa! That's not true! I LOVE you! You are my father afterall. You had a reason of not being with me. You wanted to keep me safe." Percy said with teary eyes.

Percy couldn't stand his father saying awful things about himself. Poseidon proved that he cared about his son on lots of occassions and it didn't go unnoticed by Percy.

Poseidon's heart felt so heavy with guilt that build up over all those years. His lover coming just made it heavier. They reminded him so much of what happened all those years ago.

"I love you too my fructus amoris. (Fruit of love)" poseidon chocked out. "But you aren't supposed to love me. I'm a monster. I seperated myself from my child, left it alone for all it's goddam life! You shouldn't even be looking at me without disgust!" Poseidon said with a raised voice that held so much negative emotions.

The hurt, sadness, distress, and even more. Percy's father looked so fragile, like a child. He was torn inside as guilt took over all his senses.

It was hurtfull for everyone looking at them.

A fruit of love. Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now