$Chapter 31$

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Tears swelled up in his eyes and he gripped Evander into a bone crushing hug as he started to sob.

"Mama! D-Don't leave m-me again!" Harry said inbetween sobs.

Snape hugged him back with nearly just as much force. He held a gentle smile as he squeezed his eyes shut, praying that this isn't some sort of day dream.

Dumbledor sat down in his desk chair as he massaged him temples. The new teacher and student, admitted to Hogwarts by the ministry, are too troublesome.

The duo keep on taunting his best puppet, Hermione Granger. The, childish, new professor kept on giving her homework which was not even based on the lesson they had.

The death-ish teen on the other hand was too perfect. He needed to either get him to join his forces or get rid of him for good.

Yet the second option was the only thing he could do. That weird teen associated with that childish new teacher. If that wasn't the case, Dumbledor would've definitely chose the first option.

He also had other problems. His two other pawns were escaping his grasp and he didn't know what to do. The scarhead didn't trust him as he should and has been giving Albus a cold shoulder for sometime now.

Ron Weasly had disappeared. The redhead didn't show up for two whole months now and it was getting too serious. If Dumbledoor lost one of the golden trio, his plan would go haywire and he, ofcourse, didn't want that to happen.

He could've replaced him(R) with his little sister, Ginerva but be can't risk his own flesh and blood.

You read it right. Ginerva Weasly was actually Albus too many names Dumbledoor's daughter.

He had fooled with Molly since she was a young beautiful woman. She, however, was sold off to the Weasly family.

Taking that to his advantage, Albus used her as a weapon to destroy the Weasly family name. Along the way he still kept on playing with her body, even after she changed after the birth of her first son Bill.

But even if he was Arthur's heir, Albus didn't care. He used Molly's body as a stress reliever rather than bonding.

In the end he got two offspring from the first woman he ever slept with. Percy and Ginerva. The two were his only offsprings and he didn't dare harm them.

They had been told about this matter from an early age and have accepted that fact. The rest of the family was kept in the dark about Molly's affairs.

He gave the two the best life he could as his children couldn't just be treated like beggars. Nearly everything they wished for was given to them by him, money from Harry's unused vaults was the main income.

But now things where getting ruined. He started to lose access to about 3 out of the 15 vaults he had access to. And they were the richest ones aswell.

He needed to relieve his stress. And he just knew how to. Looking over his shoulder he saw an already positioned Molly. He stood up from his chair and walked towards the naked woman.


Harry had fallen asleep again, exhausted because of his crying. Evander layed Harry's head on his lap as he stroked through the messy nest called hair. Draco had fallen asleep with his mate. He also had been exhausted but because of other reasons.

Snape gently smiled as he gazed down at his son. After so long they could finally be together again. But how can he tell him about his other parents? Evander didn't know and didn't want to think about that. He wanted to live in the moment in fear of it's fast end.

567 words.

Hello. Sorry for the long wait and for the shortness of this chapter. From now till a certain time I will release shorter chapters of this book unless I have lots of inspiration for a chapter. Hope you enjoyed reading!

Be happy and stay safe ~♡

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