=~Chapter 12~=

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Percy let out a sigh as he plopped down onto his bed.

He was really tired.

Even though he had a nap notnot so long ago, the prank Nico did really tired him out.

Right now he should be teaching students but he said all chis classes are dismissed today, giving them a free period.

Percy laid down on his left side and closed his eyes.

He smiled lightly as he felt really comfortable.

But every good thing has to end quickly for him. Doesn't it?

Someone came into the room, disturbing Percy.

The DADA teacher groaned.

He squeezed his eyes.

He tried to ignore the person but it didn't last long.

The somebody shook him harshly, making poor Percy fall to the ground.

Percy rubbed his head and groaned in pain.

He looked at the person only to see his beloved Nico.

Percy whined a little, while getting up.

"Really Nico? Tat prank from you was enough for me today." Percy said as his eyes were begging to be closed again.

It took all of Percy's strength to not fall asleep.

Nico sighed.

"I was worried. You dismissed all your classes and just dissapeared for the whole day. It really concerned me" Nico said after he smacked Percy on the forehead.

Percy nodded his head slightly.

A yawn made its way out of Percy's mouth as he stretched.

Nico rolled his eyes as a nearly unnoticeable yet warm smile appeared on his face.

He used the magic Hecate blessed him with and changed Percy into his Pj's.

Nico change himself aswell.

The emo boy wanted to cuddle yet he was too shy to admit it.

And this was a perfect occasion to do so.

He took Percy's hand in his own and helped the half asleep demigod lay down.

He laid down after he helped Percy.

Nico scooted close to Percy.

Percy unconsiously wrapped his arms around Nico's waist and pulled him closer, making Nico blush.

The son of Hades felt warm and comfortable so he soon fell asleep in Percy's embrace.

(With Voldy)

Tom was still thinking about what happened a few days ago.

He couldn't get the fact how those two young boys knew about his son.

No one expect him did.

His lovers did. Did not Do.

One died, or at least is believed dead.

And the other went missing just after his son did.

The emptiness and pain  in his heart were unbearable.

He didn't see any hope.

His son could be dead aswell as two his lovers.

Tom promised himself to make the one that caused all this to pay.

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