Chapter 38

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Draco took a deep breath and wiped away the tears from his cheeks. He needed to gather himself and face whatever lay ahead with strength and determination. He knew he couldn't hide from the truth, and he couldn't let fear consume him. He had to confront this situation head-on.

As he waited for Severus to arrive, Draco's mind began to wander. He couldn't help but think about Harry and their relationship. They had come a long way since their childhood rivalry days, overcoming their past animosity and building a strong bond of love and trust. Draco knew deep down that Harry would support him no matter what, but the fear of rejection still lingered.

Minutes later, the front door opened, and Severus entered the mansion. Draco stood up from the bathroom floor and walked towards his uncle. There was a mixture of fear and anticipation in his eyes as he met Severus' gaze.

Severus took in Draco's appearance and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "We'll figure this out, Draco. I'm here for you, and so is Harry. You're not alone in this."

Draco nodded, feeling a surge of gratitude toward Severus. It was reassuring to have someone by his side who understood the complexities of the wizarding world and the challenges he was facing. With renewed determination, Draco led Severus to the study where they could discuss their next steps in private.

Meanwhile, back in his room, Harry couldn't ignore the unsettling feeling that something significant was happening. He had overheard the conversation between Draco and Severus, and the mystery surrounding it intrigued and worried him. Harry trusted Severus with his life, and if something was wrong, he knew he would be informed when the time was right.

Restless and unable to focus on anything else, Harry decided to take a walk around the mansion grounds. The moonlight illuminated the garden, casting a serene glow on the flowers and trees. As he strolled along the winding paths, Harry couldn't shake off the sense of anticipation and a longing to be closer to Draco.

Lost in his thoughts, Harry suddenly found himself standing in front of a small pond. He gazed at his reflection in the water, his green eyes searching for answers. In that quiet moment, a sense of clarity washed over him. He realized that whatever news awaited him, he would face it with an open heart and unwavering support for Draco.

As the dark-haired male came back to his room he saw two figures apparate in front of him. Upon seeing it was his beloved and his father and both looked worried, Harry's heart skipped a beat as he took in the scene before him. His anxiety surged, and he quickly approached Draco and Severus, concern etched on his face.

"Draco, what's wrong?" Harry asked, his voice laced with worry. "Are you okay?"

Draco's eyes flickered with a mix of apprehension and anticipation. He took a deep breath, looking up at Harry with a vulnerable expression. "Harry, I think... I might be pregnant."

The words hung in the air, and Harry's mind raced to process what he had just heard. He felt a whirlwind of emotions—shock, confusion, and a tinge of excitement. He turned to Severus, seeking some guidance or reassurance, and found his father looking at him with a blend of concern and support.

Severus stepped forward, placing a comforting hand on Harry's shoulder. "Harry, breathe," he said in a calm voice. "Let's take a moment to gather our thoughts."

Harry nodded, trying to steady himself. He looked back at Draco, searching for any signs of distress or discomfort. "Draco, have you taken any tests? How do you feel about this?"

Draco nodded, his expression a mix of nervousness and hope. "I've taken a test, and it came out positive," he admitted. "I wasn't expecting this, but I've had some symptoms, and I couldn't ignore the possibility."

Harry's mind was filled with a jumble of thoughts. He reached out and gently took Draco's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "We'll figure this out together," he said softly. "Whatever you decide, I'm here for you, Draco."

Severus interjected, his tone steady and composed. "Indeed, Draco, we will support you in any way we can. It's essential to discuss your options and consider what feels right for you and the potential child."

Draco's worried expression eased slightly as he felt the support from both Harry and Severus. He took a deep breath, a glimmer of determination in his eyes. "I need some time to think and process everything," he said. "But having your support means the world to me."

Harry nodded, his voice filled with tenderness. "Take all the time you need, Draco. We're here for you, every step of the way."

As the trio stood together, uncertainty still loomed, but they were united in their commitment to face whatever lay ahead. After a bit of consideration, they decided to visit a hospital to make sure the test was right but, much to Draco's displeasure, the visit was going to take place the next day as the father and son duo wanted the blonde teen to have plenty of rest before it.

Finally, the next day, Draco, Harry, and Severus made their way to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. Tension filled the air as they entered the bustling facility, their footsteps echoing through the corridors. Draco's heart pounded in his chest, a mix of anxiety and curiosity coursing through his veins.

After checking in at the reception desk, they were guided to the Obstetrics and Gynecology department. The three of them settled into the waiting area, surrounded by expectant mothers and families, each with their own stories and concerns.

As their names were called, Draco felt a knot form in his stomach. He gripped Harry's hand tightly, drawing strength from their connection. They entered the examination room, where a Healer greeted them with a warm smile.

The Healer performed a series of tests and scans, carefully monitoring Draco's condition. The tension in the room heightened as they awaited the results. Time seemed to stretch endlessly, each passing moment adding to Draco's apprehension.

Finally, the Healer turned to Draco, her expression kind yet informative. "Draco, I can confirm that you are indeed pregnant," she said gently. "Congratulations."

Draco's emotions swirled within him—a mix of fear, uncertainty, and a glimmer of something indescribable. He looked at Harry and Severus, his eyes welling up with tears. "I... I'm going to be a father," he whispered, his voice trembling.

Harry's face lit up with a mixture of joy and astonishment. He pulled Draco into a tight embrace, his voice filled with love. "We're going to be parents, Draco. We'll face this together, every step of the way."

Severus stepped forward, a rare softness in his gaze. "This is a significant responsibility, Draco," he said, his voice carrying a mix of seriousness and warmth. "But I do not doubt that you will rise to the occasion. We will support you, guide you, and ensure that the life growing within you is cared for."

Draco wiped away his tears, feeling a sense of clarity amidst the chaos of his emotions. He took a deep breath and embraced the connection he felt to the tiny life within him—a life that would change theirs forever. The dread he initially felt began to dissipate, replaced by a newfound determination and a spark of hope.

As they left St. Mungo's, Draco couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the support and love surrounding him. Though challenges lay ahead, they were no longer insurmountable. With Harry and Severus by his side, Draco knew they would create a loving and nurturing environment for their growing family.


Hello! How are you guys? I have been on such a hiatus but I'm back! I plan on being a bit more active with my updates so please bear with me.

I hope you enjoyed this long-awaited chapter :)))

Yo my Phone be playing with me too much. I just checked to see how the 2 new chapters are doing and saw that this one was not published. But then it somehow said it already had 4 votes after I posted it. My poor little heart can't handle this stress

A fruit of love. Percy JacksonKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat